<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>I am solving this exam posted earlier by IceQube Pwn the Sat test,but I have some problems in this test.
Here is the exam
<a href="https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0Bwar2-EatDDSOTQxOTQ4MjktN2Q5ZS00YjE5LTgyNzktNjhhNWI1NTJjMmFm&hl=en%5B/url%5D">https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0Bwar2-EatDDSOTQxOTQ4MjktN2Q5ZS00YjE5LTgyNzktNjhhNWI1NTJjMmFm&hl=en</a></p>
<p>4)In the figure above,Points A,B,C,and D lie on the circle,N is the center of the circle,and AD is perpendicular to BC. What fraction of the circle is shaded?</p>
<p>12)In the figure above,AB = x,BC = y,and AB and MN are perpendicular to BC. If BN = 0.2y, what is the area of the shaded region, in terms of x and y?</p>
<p>Alright I tried to solve this by doing number,but I failed I said if:</p>
<p>BC = 20;
AB = 22;</p>
<p>BN = 0.2 * 20 = 4;</p>
<p>I broke the shaded figure into a rectangle by doing a line from M to its end which I called MX.</p>
<p>MX = 4 aswell.</p>
<p>Since triangle AMX if you draw another triangle and flipped it oppossite to that small AMX you would find that they are a square,so
AX = 4; AM = 4;</p>
<p>Then 1/2 * 4 * 4 = 8;</p>
<p>Rectangle XMBN = 4 * (22 - 4) = 72 + 8 = 80,but thats wrong I hope someone point out what did I do wrong.</p>
<p>16)Sharon has 20 water balloons in her bucket and Michelle has 3 in hers. Sharon is tossing water balloons to Michelle, who is trying her best to catch them and put them in her bucket. If every 3rd toss result in a dropped and broken balloon,how many tosses have to occur for the two girls have the same number of balloons?</p>
<p>I solved this by substituting numbers and back solving,but I want to know how to solve this algebraically in case if this type of problem come in grid in.</p>
<p>10/3 = 3.333 we remove remainder and get 3,since it goes into 10 only 3 times.</p>
<p>So we have 3 loses 10 - 3 = 7;</p>
<p>Michelle = 3 + 7 = 10;
Sharon = 20 - 10 = 10;</p>
<p>I want to know though how to solve this algebraically.</p>
<p>18)In the figure above,ABCD is a square,and A,B,C,and D are the centers of four congruent circles which touch each other but do not overlap. If the area of ABCD is 1,what is the perimeter of shaded region?</p>
<p>I tried solved this,but there something I did wrong I got 4PI which is circle area + 0.5 * 4,which is obviously not in the answers.</p>