<p>Lets get it started in here.</p>
<p>Did anyone get that CR section with the passage about the author. And how her sister protected her? Because I really wanted that one to be experimental</p>
<p>Thats experimental - I did not get it.</p>
<p>Thank god
<p>was the chinese dude passage experimental?</p>
<p>what about theone with gardening?</p>
<p>i had four CR sections, and i had this pasages</p>
<p>iranian carpet
and one more i cant remember</p>
<p>i dint get the gardening one, and i had experimental CR</p>
<p>ariger, what did you get for the question that asked what was the purpose of the Iranian Uncle’s story?</p>
<p>I had:
Author visits grandma and aunt of his wife,
Art Critic,
Monarch Butterfly,
damn I forgot another one</p>
<p>the iranian carpet one was the experimental cuz i had only two 25-min CR sections and did NOT have that one</p>
<p>also, did anyone have only one 25-min writing section (not counting the essay)? if so which one: the one with the paragraph about ant lions or the one with paragraph about about strip malls</p>
<p>hipster i dont remember what were the choices.
zhonginator i had only one writing section with the strip malls</p>
<p>It was </p>
<p>A. Something wrong
B. Something wrong
C. Something wrong
D. Explain the importance of rug makers
E. back up his assertion with Telamene’s authority</p>
<p>i think i omitted that question, i wasn’t sure</p>
for ur writing section how many No Errors did u get?</p>
<p>the passage about the author is real one.
The Chinese is also real.
I had a non reading experimental test</p>
<p>I hated the author one!</p>
<p>disregarding the experimentals, theres gotta be multiple forms for this test… i had a writing experimental and for CR had these passages:</p>
-korean mother’s worn hands
man visits his wifes grandmother
art critic(totally weird)
monarch butterflies
and yes… i forgot the last one too… all i know is i had 4 reading sections… so yes one of them was experimental</p>