<p>....in 10 to 15 minutes?</p>
<p>I'm looking at Testudo to get an idea of which classes I'd like to try to register for at orientation, and I'd like to get an idea of how long it takes to get around campus.</p>
<p>Also, how about getting from the Performing Arts Center to the Math Building?</p>
<p>If anyone has any suggestions on which CORE classes are good ...it would be much appreciated :)</p>
<p>Have you seen this tool?</p>
<p>[TerpNav</a> Pedestrian Mapping System](<a href=“TerpNav Pedestrian Map System”>TerpNav Pedestrian Map System)</p>
<p>It gives you the distance in yards. A slow walk would be about 120 yards/min. :)</p>
<p>If you walk fast, they’re both doable in 15 minutes. I mean <em>fast</em> though. I’ve gone from the Performing Arts Center to the Plant Science Building in 7-8 minutes (but walking fast), so going from there to the Math should only be like 2-4 minutes more.</p>
<p>It’s doable. It’s also mostly downhill so that helps.</p>
<p>But note that trying to schedule on Testudo right now is not a good indicator of what will be available once you get to orientation.</p>
<p>Architecture to Math is doable in 10 minutes if you walk fast. CSPAC to math would be tough in 10 minutes, but 15 would be doable, again, if you walk (relatively) fast.</p>
<p>It’s amazing how much your walking speed increases once you get to College Park–and I’m from New York City.
If you can’t make the fifteen minutes at first, you’ll be able to before midterms.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses
I walk pretty fast … so I guess it’s going to be doable
<p>plumazul: Thanks, I have seen that tool before. For some reason, it won’t load on my computer?? I’ll have to try and figre out why cause it looks pretty cool.</p>