Q's about Senior Schedule

<p>Hey Everyone! Thanks for looking at this and I hope you all can answer some of my questions about my schedule for Senior year.</p>

<p>My schedule this year looks like this:</p>

<p>IB English HL 1
IB Physics HL 2
IB History SL
IB Psych HL 1
Wind Ensemble/IB Music</p>

<p>Next year I am 100% sure that I will be taking:</p>

<p>IB English HL 2
IB Math HL 1
IB Physics HL 2
IB Music
IB Psych HL 2</p>

<p>I am still able to forecast for up to two 2 semester classes (or a 2 semester class with two 1 semester classes etc...). My first question is whether or not I should also sign up for AP Statistics to take at the same time as HL math. Has anyone taken either of these classes? What did you think about them?</p>

<p>My second question has to do with the possibility of taking late arrival second semester. I have taken a pretty hard course load throughout high school. I was thinking that late arrival would be a change of pace during my last few months in high school. Is this a okay idea? Have any of you done this? Would it negatively affect my chances of getting into a good college (OSU, Colorado School of Mine, Vanderbilt, BU, UCSB, etc...)?</p>

<p>Thank you for reading and for your answers!!</p>