Quality of Computer Science / Math Courses

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>Recently applied EA for Bing and am going for a Comp Sci degree specializing in IT security; but after hearing mixed feelings over the quality of Comp Sci / Math courses, I would like to see if anybody can shed some light on the issue. </p>

<p>I'm fully prepared to do a lot of self study if need be, but would like to know what people have heard/experienced with teachers/courses and perhaps offer useful suggestions for an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>If you are seeking a degree in computer science, why not choose a school where that is their strength? That is how most people select schools. It isn’t the only variable but if you know where your interests are and what you want to major in, might serve you well to use that information as one basis for choosing a school. Naturally there are hundreds of schools with great computer science programs and you can narrow your list down by comparing the schools to the other criteria you seek (country vs city, size, location, and on). </p>

<p>@Emoria what specifically have you heard about math and computer sci at Bing?</p>

<p>Why not go with a stronger school?</p>

<p>The computer science program is OK. It’s not the best or most current but students manage to find work. However, from what I hear the computer science program isn’t the most current and there isn’t that much funding. I think Stony Brook has a better program with better recruiting. You can also look into RIT. They have various computer oriented major including CS, IT, Computing Security among other things. It’s a private school but you might end up with a good financial package from them. </p>

<p>Guys, thanks for the responses so far - but I am not looking for advice into choosing the right college.</p>

<p>Just looking for more information into the programs themselves.</p>

<p>I think it’s pretty good. One of my best friends is about to graduate with a CS degree and she has a $90k job lined up in NY. Not bad! Although it’s definitely not known for being, like, notably spectacular here.</p>

<p>@Emoria Honestly, Binghamton’s CS program isn’t it’s strong suit. The programs aren’t as current as they could be.The facilities aren’t great. I also noticed that the curriculum might not be as rigorous as some other colleges. The program itself is very small and has limited resources. Even in watson most of the money goes into engineering. Also if you take a lot of math/science classes be prepared for a lot of professors that do not speak english well or teach well so you will be teaching yourself a lot of material. I wouldn’t recommend the program but if you are coming to Bing anyway it should get the job done. Does that answer your question?</p>

<p>Not to late to find a decent program-use this one as a safety.</p>