Quebec Residency for Mcgill

<p>Hi, I am a high school student in Virginia in the US. I have applied to Mcgill University as my top choice. I don't have much funding for my college education, although I'm not opposed to taking out SOME student loans. I really cannot afford to pay close to $40,000 a year to go to Mcgill internationally though. Is there any way that I could obtain residence in Quebec and then be able to pay the in-province tuition costs as opposed to international costs? I've considered a gap year to settle in Montreal, studying part-time, etc. But I just don't know enough about the legality of it all to know whether or not it will work. Any information would be greatly appreciated :)</p>

<p>Unless you are Canadian, you cannot just take up residence in Quebec; you would need to emigrate there; that is a long process and is not simple. Without a degree or a required skill, it is unlikely that you would qualify. You may study there with a study permit but then you would have to pay International rates. It is almost impossible to get residence for instate tuition purposes in the U.S. as an American if you’re from another state; impossible a foreigner.</p>