Quels sont mes chances si vous plait?

<p>just realised it should be s'il vous plait (with an accent) my french exam is on wednesday... this isn't a good omen</p>

<p>Also looking for other schools to apply to (I know its a bit late but i basically have three months with nothing to do starting on thursday) so any suggestions are welcome!</p>

<p>Citizenship: US Citizen residing abroad
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White and Jewish (don't know why it makes a difference)</p>

<p>SAT: Best Score in One Sitting 2210 - CR: 720 W: 680 M:800
ACT: Haven't and Wont be taken (took them in 9th grade and got a 28 though)
SAT IIs: French: 710 Chemistry: 740 Maths 2: 760</p>

<p>GPA: ??? Dont get a GPA but latest UAI Estimate which is a rank out of the entire state was 97.6 = better then or equal to 97.6% of 12th grade students in my state, and should have improved cause that was in july. </p>

<p>Classes for 11th and 12th Grades:
French Continuers,
English Advanced and Extension 1
Maths Extensions 1 and 2 (which apparently is a University Level Course and the higest level available)
and in 11th grade I also took Ancient History.</p>

<p>My grades are pretty solid - coming in High 80's to 90's for everything. My estimate for UAI like I said above was 97.6 But I go to a pretty competetive school as well. My ranks if that helps
18/160 students in English Advanced,
35/123 in Maths Extension 1
and 18/69 in Chemisty if that kind of places me,
My school also generally comes in top 5 if not top 3 in the final statewide exams</p>

<p>I did a semester in the US in 10th grade and was in almost all honors classes, except for French which I was taking French 4, and I got all A's, like high A's, my chem teacher told me I had the highest mark in all four of his classes and I should have been taking AP, but I didn't want to (over 100% hehe I love extra credit - yes I was one of THOSE people)</p>

<p>School: Public - Academically Selective - All Girls - Sent Students to ivies from australia - normally ranked within top 5 of the state. (our system is state by state not nationwide)</p>

Basketball at a local rec center (10th),
counseller at a summer camp (10th)
Volunteer at my synagouge (9th-12th)
Member Music Ensembles (9th-10th)
Co-Chair Yearbook Committee (12th)
Member Jersey Committee (12th)
Part-Time Job (11th)
Work Experience in a Children's Hospital, Film Productions Company and a Teenage Magazine. </p>

<p>Awards- High Distinction - National Qualifying Exam Chemistry Olympiad 2007
random other distinctions in australasian competitions. </p>

<p>Essays: Essay for USC is pretty solid, entertaining and different I hope. Other Essay about semester in the US and how it has changed me forever.... also essay about my work experience at the children's hosptial... (needed two for brown)</p>

<p>Chance For:
USC - dream school (and USC BMD)
Thanks so much
and as I said any suggestions for schools (public or private) would be much apprecaited.</p>

<p>Are you EDing to USC? If you are, I think you stand a fabulous chance!!!! :D ARE YOU applying for fin. aid?</p>

<p>USC doesn't have ED but I'm putting in by the december 1st deadline... and I submitted Part 1, like WAAAY back when it first came out...
yeah need fin. aid specially i go to a private school, but US citizen, so that really helps</p>

<p>In at USC! (Most likely)
Brown and Columbia are reaches (they're ivies so don't worry)
If your citizenship is in Cali, i'd say UCLA is a match.
UCI is a safety.</p>

<p>bump (I hate fuel cells, and dry cells, and lithium cells and all cells lets all live in caves)</p>


<p>one last bump… chance for bac/md too please!</p>

<p>ce n’est pas tr</p>

<p>Your scores are well above average for USC, so you are very likely in at your dream school.
Make sure to spell “Columbia” right on your application.</p>

<p>Je crois que vous avez une chance vraiment bonne pour tous les ecoles en Californie. Brown et Columbia, peut-etre un peu moins, mais c’est encore la! Desole, mon ordinateur ne peut pas faire les accents. Moi, je prends le SAT II French ce fin de semaine. Bonne chance sur ton examen!</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance at USC and Columbia, a reach for Brown</p>