Queries about deadlines

<p>So I'm applying for transfers to Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, Georgetown, and UPenn, and I have two questions about deadlines:</p>

<p>1) I just sent in the last portion of my Yale application by mail (the only way you can apply to Yale as a transfer) today via Priority Mail. It'll get there in 2-3 days, but do you believe I will be penalized for not having it in today? In other words, is the March 1 deadline "received by March 1" or "postmarked by March 1?"</p>

<p>2) I have not yet finished my financial aid applications to Dartmouth and Georgetown, and the deadline was today. In the event that I get accepted, will this affect the actual financial aid package or just the date I am notified about it?</p>

<p>Thanks very much.</p>

<p>P.S. On a related but less important note, my Dartmouth Common Application was submitted at 11:50 pm on February 28th, within the deadline but still cutting it close. Will they care that it was this close to the deadline?</p>

<p>I was under the impression that a March 1st deadline means that you can submit it until 11:59pm tonight.</p>

<p>Never mind about the first question, I found the answer on their website…thank Christ it’s a postmark deadline.</p>

<p>Still curious about #2, though.</p>

<p>people stop getting nervous about your apps even if they are 2-3 days late at maximium no one penalizes you because the volume of material these colleges receive takes time to get organized and sorted. So your apps are not read until about 20-25 days after the deadline anything that is received before your app is read is placed in your file. So as long as your app has not been read the app material goes to your file even if it is very late. Also if you are missing something, colleges notify you and give you time to send it so it is not that big of a problem.</p>