Quesion about Housing Move In dates

<p>D is attending Early College Second Session. She will also be attending early for MDB.</p>

<p>Housing has this listed for EC Session II:</p>

<p>Monday, August 4 (morning) Summer II Transition to Fall Assignment
Early College Transition to Fall Assignment</p>

<p>And this listed for MDB move in:</p>

<p>Thursday, Aug. 7*<br>
Friday, Aug. 8* </p>

<p>Does this mean a student participating in EC and MDB will simply move from the EC dorm into the Fall dorm on August 4th and then stay there – with the rest of MDB students moving in on the 7th/8th? I assume no break or actual moving of dorm items off campus between 4th and 7th/8th?</p>

<p>UA lets Early College students move directly to their fall room assignment. Fall semester RAs are already in the residence halls at that time.</p>

<p>Awesome. thanks</p>