<p>It seems like nobody got into MIT with questbridge... Does anyone have the official percentages of how many people from questbridge get into MIT? Are the chances low because you are asking for a full ride? And if you get rejected from questbridge, how much aid does it give you in EA after you transfer your app? It doesn't seem like much because there will be no time to send supplementary items (I think).</p>
<p>I don’t have a percentage but I just got into MIT with questbridge yesterday. They told me that a total of 6 (out of 259 or something finalists) were matched with MIT this year.</p>
<p>There aren’t really statistics for that yet because this is MIT’s first year with QB.</p>
<p>Just curious: did you get a phone call from MIT last night? I’m desperately searching for someone else who did.</p>
<p>EDIT: just saw cracker123’s post. Holy crap, 6?! No wonder why nobody’s been posting about it!</p>
<p>I think cracker123 is pulling your chain; he/she just signed up as a new user and that was his/her first post lol</p>
<p>or maybe he signed up to show us that?</p>
<p>Well, seeing as this is the 5th time this week I’ve seen a post from a random new user who has either been joking or has been trying to spread misinformation, and that his user name fits the theme of the new users that I’ve seen, I have reason to be skeptical…</p>
<p>Lol sorry for the skepticism i created. It’s reasonable though. It’s just that I use this username everywhere i go.</p>
<p>Anyway, that wasn’t spam. I did get accepted. I received a phone call and two emails last night from micheal yang, an MIT admission officer…</p>
<p>I actually created an account to post questions about stanford vs. mit, since stanford is always my dream school, but i somehow got accepted into MIT</p>
<p>cracker123 : According to MIT the number of Questbridge applications were around 700 as these were the bulk of increase in the early applications. So what is this 259 finalists?</p>
<p>There are a total of 259 finalists who are matched with 26 partner colleges this year, in which 6 of them with MIT</p>
No, MIT is need-blind for all applicants.</p>
Most people who are eligible to apply under Questbridge would, I think, have a family income under the amount that qualifies for no family contribution. Is this not true? (Or, upon second reading, do you mean “how much would it help if you applied QB and were deferred to RD?” I don’t know the answer to that.)</p>
You can send in supplemental material until approximately the end of January.</p>
<p>@mollie “You can send in supplemental material until approximately the end of January.”
Well not for EA, since decisions are out in december…</p>
<p>That’s awesome cracker. Congratulations!</p>
<p>Oh, I thought the QB people who weren’t matched were deferred to RD. Well, if you are deferred to RD, you can certainly send in material. :)</p>
<p>congrats, cracker!!!</p>
<p>man, I should have done questbridge when I was offered to do it. =/</p>
<p>10 more days left until we hear back from MIT! man…i’m starting to think I just might not get into MIT and other schools. =/</p>
<p>Thanks wildchartermage and Arch3r25.</p>
<p>I know this is off-topic but I was wondering how does MIT compare to stanford in bioengineering. I understand that MIT is really great at EE but I’m not sure about bioen.</p>
<p>Something is confusing!</p>
<p>It clearly indicates in this article that there were more than 600 applicants from QuestBridge; so I still don’t get 259 applicants and 6 acceptances.</p>
<p>[Non-Profit</a> Connects Low-Income Applicants With MIT - The Tech](<a href=“http://tech.mit.edu/V128/N56/admissions.html]Non-Profit”>http://tech.mit.edu/V128/N56/admissions.html)
“The more than 600 students who applied to MIT through QuestBridge account for about half this year’s increase in applications.”</p>
<p>According to the QuestBridge website the results of the college match are out on December 1st.
So you are indicating that there were 6/(> 600) who got into MIT early as part of QB college match. That is < 1% acceptances.</p>
<p>I think what Cracker123 meant is that although there were 600 QuestBridge applicants for MIT, only 259 students in total were matched with ANY college through the QuestBridge program, 6 of those being to MIT.</p>
<p>So it is < 1% acceptances thru QuestBridge for full ride.</p>
<p>It might be similar in the past and only pertains to full ride at the partner colleges.</p>
<p>"Number of finalists offered admission and full four-year scholarship packages through the Match Process ( 2007 2006 2005) 204 103 46 "</p>
<p>Number for last year are missing.</p>
<p>But it seems the finalists get thru the regular process in great numbers</p>
<p>" Percentage of finalists offered acceptance and generous financial aid package through the Match Process or Regular Admissions Process. (2007 2006 2005) 60% 41% 37% "</p>
<p>I was accepted to MIT and Stanford, and I’m studying bioengineering at MIT - so take that as you will. I picked MIT because I felt that the focus on undergraduate research was much stronger and that there was a ton of flexibility in what I wanted to study within BioE. Of course, I also fell in love with the culture of MIT in general, and the Institute’s innovative spirit really applies itself well to the up and coming field of bioengineering.</p>
<p>Thanks ask-paul for your input.</p>
<p>indianInLA: I don’t really get your point, but in response in the less than 1% acceptance, it might not be the case, since MIT might admit more applicants than that but these applicants might as well rank some other schools first and got accepted into these other schools. There is indeed 1% that got MATCHed, provided the number of quest applicants is 600.</p>