Questbridge College Prep Scholars 2023 Applicants

I wanted to create a thread since their was not one for applicants for QB CPS 2023.


Please forgive me for my grammar errors. I meant that I created this thread for those of us who applied to College Prep Scholars.

Does anyone know when decisions are released?


I have no idea what to say, but I am assuming decisions might come out by tomorrow or the day after. Last year, decisions came out on the twentieth, therefore I suppose we can expect a similar release date; unless, of course, there was a multitude of applications, which is reasonable due to the growing popularity of Questbridge.

Decisions are out! Post your stats and decision status!

I got in, so excited!
Here are some stats:

  • GPA 4.0 unweighted, 5.45/6.0 weighted (my school does it weirdly)
  • ACT 33 (Math 29, Science 33, English 35, Reading 36)
  • PSAT 1410 (ELAR 760, Math 680)
  • SAT 1530 (ELAR 770, Math 760)
  • No AP or IB classes since my school doesn’t offer them, but all were the most challenging offered (honors, dual enrollment, etc).
  • Income is around 20k for a family of 4
  • Only sort of first generation (depends on the definition, both parents attended by never graduated from 4-year)
  • Also from a rural area so that kind of helped stress a lack of academic support that I had to overcome I think, I was really able to use that in the essays.

I honestly think that my recommendation and essays were key, I have a really great relationship with my Pre-Cal teacher so I know she was able to write a good recommendation for me.

Also, I got invited to the admissions conference at Pomona, does anyone know if they offer aid for transportation? I don’t think I’ll be able to afford it otherwise.


That’s amazing! Sorry, I did not post mine. I was accepted as well!

4.0 GPA UW (School does not calculate weighted)
ACT 33 (Math-31, Science-31, English-34, Reading 36)
SAT- 1450 (740 ERB, 710 Math)
6 Dual Enrollment Classes (Currently Taking)
Only 3 AP (AP World History (4) and AP US Gov/AP Psychology (Current)–School does not offer much AP courses.
I did take multiple Advanced Honors classes, however.
Income is around 28,000 for family of 4
Lots of good extracurriculars: Most notably-I am a Youth Pastor and Licensed Minister.

Why may I have been accepted: I tried my best to accentuate my circumstances and demonstrate a passion for psychology. I have a great Dual Enrollment English Teacher, who probably wrote a stunning essay. I am not sure about the Pomona conference, because I got invited to the conference at Emory. Congratulations on your achievements as well!


That’s great, so happy for you! Which national admissions conference were you invited to? Are you planning on attending?

I was invited to the conference in Emory University in Atlanta Georgia. I think I will attend, because of the proximity to Tennessee (Only about 3 Hours away). Will you attend?

I want to, but I don’t think I have the money to fly to California (I live in Texas). I contacted Questbridge about transportation aid though. I doubt anything will come from it, but I figured it’s worth a shot. Plus my twin sister got in and was invited to the same one, so we’re hoping that we can save enough money for us both to go.

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Yeah, I thought that Questbridge would cover the expenses; however, I did not see any detail of this when I viewed the page. It was smart of you to contact Quesbridge. I hope they cover the expenses.

I hope you get to go!

I also found this on the QB Website about Travel grants.

I also got in! Although, compared to both of yours stats, mine aren’t as impressive academic-wise

  • GPA: 3.7/4.0 and 4.26/5.0
  • ACT: 26 (Math 26, Science 23, English 25, Reading 30)
  • PSAT: 1120 (ELAR 570, Math 550)
  • APs: AP World History 5, AP Comp Science Principles 4, AP Spanish 5, AP Psychology 4, (I also took AP Geo in freshman year but didn’t pass that one because… quarantine… )
  • Income is around 40k for a family of 4
  • Rural area as well

Here is what I think helped me get in:

  • I live in the border of USA and Mexico, I talked about that and the struggles of being Hispanic next to the border. I also talked about the struggle of learning English when I first came to the USA and how it shaped me into a persevering person. For the additional statement, I talked about more personal issues that I had to overcome, and how I came to acceptance of them. I also volunteered at a museum about bi-racial and immigration issues, and as a secretary for one of my teachers. I think the letter of recommendation definitely helped since I do have a close relationship with my English teacher and he has seen me grown as a student. Also, although my GPA is low in comparasion to the average of questbridge scholars, I do think it helps that I’ve improved in my grades. Freshman year, I had Bs and As, then sophmore year I had minus As for most of it, then junior year, my lowest grade was a 97. I also added how, in freshman year, I had to take care of my three younger cousins and sibling due to family issues while trying to balance zoom classes and passing grades. I know my grades aren’t stellar, but my writing was good and I showcased what good I had to offer. I think that helped me. I’ll continue to work hard to boost up my act and gpa for college applications and questbridge match program next year. Congrats to those accepted! :slight_smile:
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Forgot to add! I also mentioned how I self-studied AP Psych in like 3 months because of how much I liked it and searched for resources myself to pass the exam with a four. I’m also self studying AP Japanese because they don’t offer the class at my school. That probably helped too?

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Thanks for sharing! However, to me, academic stats do not determine personality. You were chosen for a reason: you are determined and willing to succeed. Simply because your stats are average does not mean that you do not strive for success. Do not let anyone take the joy of an accomplishment away from you. You earned this. Great job!

Also, what Conference were you invited to?

That truly means a lot to me, thanks! For the conference, I’m not exactly sure?

Does that help?

This is interesting. Is it the virtual one?