<p>Would an income of about 75-80k for a family of 5, with 2 hs students and 1 undergrad student, all 3 students are first generation students, 2 where born in poland, be eligible for questbridge?
I got an email from questbridge but the site says the average income is 0-60k so idk :(</p>
<p>I think it would be eligible… apply and if they don’t select you, you had practice with an application… Old graphs used to show inome up to 80K…</p>
<p>You can write them, I didn’t see anything about number of children, etc. although I would think family size would influence your gross income. We always get the emails but are at least 30,000 over the max, so I ignore them.</p>
<p>i think you should apply regardless :]
its a great program & at the very least it will make you start college applications early
and if you have college students in your family and high school students who will probably be going to college soon…then a 75 k income will probably not cut it for a student who is aiming for really top schools</p>
<p>this has some stats on income…its from questbridge :]
[National</a> College Match Program: 2008 College Match Recipient Profile](<a href=“http://questbridge.org/students/profiles_class2013/stats.html]National”>http://questbridge.org/students/profiles_class2013/stats.html)</p>
<p>hope that helps! good luck :]</p>
<p>btw…are you a senior? if youre a junior you could probably apply for the college prep scholarship. which is really great cuz all the top schools get your name & sometimes invite you to visit for free :]</p>
<p>There is no strict income cut-off for Questbridge and especially if you have a large number of people in your family, trust me, they will take that into account.</p>
<p>I was a Questbridge finalist for 2008, and my parents make over 80k with a family of 5, 3 to be in college next year. However, we had some special circumstances that were considered.</p>
<p>Question: I have great grades and ECs, and I live most of the time with one parent who makes ~40,000/year. But both my parents have law degrees and my other parent also has a degree in social work. I’m an only child and white. So I’d have no shot at questbridge, right?</p>
<p>Your QB Application and CSS ask for both parents, but your FAFSA just asks for your custodial parent.</p>
<p>Honestly? prolly not.</p>