Question about A-G courses

<p>On the [UC</a> Davis: Admission Criteria](<a href=“]UC”>Freshman Application Tips | UC Davis) for Freshman admissions, it lists “number of a-g courses beyond 35” as part of its review.</p>

<p>I was confused by that. I understand it two ways, but both ways have certain flaws. I’m hoping someone can clear it up.</p>

<p>Way 1: Students that portion applies to took 9+ classes each year of high school, either by taking a bunch of a-g fulfilling semester courses or by taking community college and summer school classes. 7th and 8th a-g meeting coursework like math and foreign language might also help satisfy. That would bring them to 36+ a-g courses a year.
Why unlikely: The point range ends at 20, meaning UCD thinks some students somehow took 55 a-g classes. That comes out to about 14 a year.</p>

<p>Way 2: Each semester of a full year class counts as a course.
Why unlikely: I had a reason, but I’m blanking. I think it might have had to do with the fact that this way would mean each semester of a class is a course. Also, I think I read somewhere that community college classes counted as a semester course (not full year), which wouldn’t dovetail- I think, anyway.</p>

<p>I don’t think I explained very well, so please let me know if I can/should clarify anything. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I think it is by semesters. ie: 7 classes x 2 semesters =14 opportunities for a-g in that year. Multiply that x 4 years and you get 62 chances to take a-g courses. I don’t know if I read that somewhere or if I just figured it was the logical explanation.</p>

<p>In calculating the number of “a-g” courses completed we count each semester as a course. So to complete the four years of English required a student will have completed 8 “a-g” courses.</p>

<p>Most community college courses, although only counting as one grade for GPA calculation, will give two semesters of “a-g” coursework.</p>

<p>How about grades from college prep programs like upward bound? Would classes like French ,Math Analysis, English Composition / Literature count as a semester of a-g?</p>

<p>If they are “a-g” then yes they would count. If you are attending a California high school please check with your counselors or at <a href=“;jsessionid=C6726E0D44F7C2757D1E1A47943C724A?_flowExecutionKey=_c20F3F9C6-BA02-BD27-7237-698FB837B628_k1104A708-60F1-241A-6087-A8D9CDF3EF24[/url]”>;jsessionid=C6726E0D44F7C2757D1E1A47943C724A?_flowExecutionKey=_c20F3F9C6-BA02-BD27-7237-698FB837B628_k1104A708-60F1-241A-6087-A8D9CDF3EF24&lt;/a&gt; to see if the courses are “a-g” courses.</p>

<p>Thanks Historymom and UCD Admissions- that’s really helpful!</p>