Question about Admissions Process: Are applicants read in the order they are recieved?


So I applied to a couple of Ivies, and on two of them, I applied about a day before the deadline. Do most prestigious schools read the applications in a first come first read basis? I wanted to know, since I was wondering if the chances of me getting in decrease because I applied later than others. Or are applications read at random and them selected.

Thank you!

My understanding is that apps are doled out to ADCOMS assigned to different geo regions or specialty groups. For Stanford for instance, there is an ADCOM who reads year after year for the Oakland area and for underrepresented minorities, so he gets to know the high schools in the Oakland area pretty well and can compare candidates from those schools. In terms of once assigned, are you on the bottom of the pile? I don’t know. Keep in mind in the regular round, very few apps go to Committee. They are read and screened usually by 2 readers who download them the Common App, and spend on average a few minutes each with the app, and rate them, due to such high volume.

If you don’t get in, it won’t be b/c you sent your app in close to the deadline.

Nobody here knows the answer and likely the answer is different for different schools. Don’t worry about something that is out of your control. Bottom line is as long as the application is in by the deadline it will be given full consideration.