Question about an email from my professor.

<p>I am in the final stages of registering for classes for this coming fall. I just took my compass test and now need to have a meeting with my professor/advisor to register for classes, etc. I emailed my advisor per his request last week to set up a meeting. His response to my email has me confused as to what to do next. If anyone could give me an idea of how to respond to him that would be great. I'm very nervous as it is and I don't want to sound like a complete idiot before I ever set foot in his class. </p>

<p>I graduated H.S. in 2002 and was not a good student. I didn't care and wanted as far away from school as I could get. Now, 9 years later I am determined and dead set (for the first time ever) to get my degree (Accounting, ultimate goal is to get my CPA), and I desperately don't want to screw it up. </p>

<p>The last time I applied to college it was before I was married, so all the records they have for me have my maiden name. So that's the deal with the married/maiden. </p>

<p>From my professor: </p>


<p>I did not get your student file yet. I put in another request using [married] as the last name. I just used your Banner ID and the last name, [maiden], in my first request.</p>

<p>I'll be out of town next week but after that I will be teaching a class and will be on campus on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays."</p>

<p>Should I email him back and say any time is a good time, i'm free whenever he is, and to just let me know? Or do I just wait for him to email me back again? Does it sound like he just wants me to come in some time on the days he is in class? That sounds absurd. I'm so confused. Thanks in advance for any replies, and sorry if this should've been posted elsewhere. Also, sorry if I sound like a dweeb. School is a memory, and college scares me.</p>

<p>He’s just telling you what days he’ll be in. That gives you two choices: You can stop by on one of those days and hope it’s not during class time, or you can e-mail him back and ask what times he expects to be available on a particular day or days that you’re also free. </p>

<p>Since he’s going to be gone next week and hasn’t received your file yet, you should probably wait to e-mail him towards the end of next week in order to 1. Confirm that he’s received your file and 2. Set up a time to meet with him.</p>

<p>Bug the crap out of him and make yourself a pain. If you do he will get on the ball just so he wont be annoyed. </p>

<p>Also ask him who you can talk to and what you can do to get the ball rolling faster.</p>