Question about AP English credit

<p>I was reviewing UA’s AP credit policy. For English, it says that you get 6 units of credit (EN 101 and EN 102), but doesn’t differentiate between English Language/Composition and English Literature/Composition. Is there any reason for DS to take both AP English tests, or will only one count towards credit? </p>

<p>AP (Advanced Placement) Scores
(see p. 14 of UG catalog)</p>

<p>3 on either AP English test (Language or Literature) substitutes for EN 101 credit and places students into EN 102.</p>

<p>3 on both AP English tests (Language and Literature) substitutes for EN 101 and EN 102 credit and places students into 200-level literature courses.</p>

<p>4 or 5 on either AP English test (Language or Literature) substitutes for EN 101 and EN 102 credit and fulfills a student’s 6-hour core composition requirement. Students with these scores qualify for optional placement into Honors sections of 200-level literature surveys (EN 215, 216, 219, or 220)</p>

<p>4 or 5 on both AP English tests (Language and Literature) substitutes for EN 101 and EN 102 credit (fulfilling a student’s 6-hour core composition requirement) and also awards the student 3 additional hours of elective humanities credit.</p>

<p>“4 or 5 on both AP English tests (Language and Literature) substitutes for EN 101 and EN 102 credit (fulfilling a student’s 6-hour core composition requirement) and also awards the student 3 additional hours of elective humanities credit.”</p>

<p>That’s what I was looking for; I had googled a chart that didn’t include the bit about elective humanities credit. Thanks! </p>

<p>Also worth noting.</p>

<p>"ACT composite 28 or ACT English 30 OR SAT composite 1250 or SAT verbal 720</p>

<p>These scores qualify a student for optional placement into EN 103 (Honors Comp). Successful completion of EN 103 (C- or higher) with correct qualifying scores gives student 3 hours of credit for EN 103 and 3 additional hours of comp placement credit, satisfying the 6-hour core comp requirement. "</p>

<p>Am I correct that 60 AP/CLEP/Dual Enrollment/IB units are the maximum allowed based on 120 credits needed for BS degree? The UA catalog says:</p>

<p>Credit hours earned by examination and/or out-of-class experiences are not considered University of Alabama institutional coursework, and therefore, may not be applied towards fulfillment of:</p>

<p>the minimum of 50 percent of the coursework required to earn a bachelor’s degree at The University of Alabama that must be earned at a bachelor’s degree granting institution (four-year college or university)</p>

<p>@WCM - It was my understanding that you can have more than 60 AP/CLEP/DE credits transferred. Credits transferred would be used in determining Registration, etc. Only 60 are used for graduation – Example: An engineering student could have 15 credits in History/SB transferred; only 9 of those will be used toward the “60” for graduation because only 9 HI/SB are required. The remaining 6 credits are “ELECTIVE” courses. </p>

<p>Degree Works handles this very well if the Department has input the graduation requirements – College of Engineering is excellent about loading the requirements onto Degree Works</p>

<p>Thanks, Longhaul. DS will only have a few credits over 60, so it’s not a super big deal, but he will be doing the STEM Path to MBA and, hopefully, CBH, so I am trying to get an idea of how crazy his schedule might be. He also asked if he could take a class completely unrelated to his major “just for fun”, and I’m hoping he can squeeze it in. </p>

<p>@wcm – Accepted students have access to Degree Works. It was well worth our money to have AP scores and DE transcript sent in during senior year HS for all tests taken thru 11th grade (then subsequently in summer for the 12th grade scores). DS had declared a major upon acceptance. Courses over the general ed requirements for his major appeared on DegreeWorks as “ELECTIVE” courses before he even attended a Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>Only caveat – DW handles some items differently than they may actually be handled. Example: APUSH is listed as satisfying “DEPTH STUDY” requirement (which is the 6 credits of same topic). In practice, it may also be used for the History/Social Behavior (HI/SB) requirement, but DW will list other courses in HI/SB instead of defaulting to permitting using 1 course to satisfy multiple requirements.</p>

<p>@Lisa6191 DS is doing both STEM MBA and CBH. Her son went in with many credits. She may be a good resource.</p>

<p>My son is doing STEM MBA. The STEM MBA and CBH will satisfy Honors College Elective credits.
STEM MBA is not very time consuming. They truly “get” theses kids are bogged down with labs and practice sets. STEM MBA offers late afternoon and evening time slots once a week for class.</p>

<p>The UH (Honors Foundation) courses have 1 credit classes (UH 120) that look like fun and are not time consuming. The UH 155 (Freshmen Seminars) were paced well too and appeared tailor made for students getting used to managing time in college. DS has executive functioning and major time management issues, takes 10 x as long to write a paper as a normal student, and he did fine with the UH 155. I did “force” DS to limit his first semester schedule to 15.5 credits (initially he signed up for 18.5).</p>

<p>Thanks, Longhaul. The wealth of information on the Bama board never ceases to impress me :).</p>

<p>I think it was 2-3 years ago, a few of us whose kids had AP credit for Lang and Lit asked Bama to consider giving another credit beyond English 101 and 102. To their credit, Bama now gives the extra Humanities credit. Nice. </p>

<p>They also give credit for AP Human Geography. A parent asked and Bama said “sure”. That’s one of the many reasons I like The University of Alabama. They listen and they respond. Roll Tide!!!</p>