question about application for PSU?

A few weeks ago I gave my guidance counselor form to my guidance counselor and he said he will send it through mail with the transcript. Last week he sent it and my application checklist want updated until now. The thing is i got worried about them not receiving it so i sent it electronically too (my transcript), does that mean they got the electronic or the mail one? basically I have no idea if my guidance counselor form got to them or not. The application status says that they are reviewing my application and the materials.

I think if the application status says they are reviewing your application, that means that they have all of your materials. If they are missing anything, it will usually state what you are missing on the portal. Regardless, as long as your information sent by your counselor is postmarked by November 30, I think you are ok. I found that the Penn State facebook page or the Penn State Admissions twitter page really had a lot of answers. Also, if you tweet at them, it is usually an intern that returns the tweets, but they know the process inside and out. I got some good answers last year just by tweeting at them - saved me a call. They can’t answer questions about your specific application - but a question about postmarking, they can.