Question about application status

For those of you who have gone through this process before or are going through it now, D applied last month and checked her status to make sure all items needed had been sent in and it says incomplete items outstanding. Her test scores, transcript, payment, and scholarship application are all listed as received so we were trying to figure out what was missing. It does say that she is deficient in social sciences but that won’t change until she finishes senior year. Is that what is causing it to say that or is there something else she needs to send in?

I wonder if all the new apps have this status. I don’t think anyone has looked at the apps yet.

Not all say incomplete. Could it be something related to the scholarship application since the admission application seems complete? I would email admissions and ask. Does she already have three social science classes, and just missing the fourth for senior year?

Just give a call, they will explain the status, then if something is missing, you can deal with it right away.

Our state only requires three years of social studies, while UA requires four, but they are counting a year of foreign language (over the required year) as social studies. My D did not get flagged for deficient social studies, so they must be counting senior classes as well as her language. Call and check on this with Bama so your daughter can schedule something for social studies if she needs it.

We just heard back and they want us to send proof of enrollment or schedule for senior year to show that she will be taking the fourth year of social studies. She has 2 years plus the one extra year of foreign language and will be taking AP Gov this year. I had thought that would be verified when her final transcripts were sent next spring, I hadn’t seen anything that said we had to have proof for the application.

I would think that your daughter’s acceptance is contingent upon the completion of the required course. So, it seems they they need to verify her senior year schedule to make sure that she will meet the requirements. In addition, they will need a final transcript to see that she has completed the required class(s). I know that there is a section to fill out on the paper application, which specifically asks for senior year classes. I would think that the guidance counselor would include that schedule along with the transcript, but perhaps not. Make sure to contact the guidance department and let them know what additional documentation UA needs.

She’s going to go in tomorrow and see if she can catch the guidance counselor and see if they have started on her schedule for this year to have a copy sent. Fingers crossed that they have. The guidance office at her school is challenging to say the least. It’s just confusing to us because we haven’t seen any other posters run into the same issue reading back through the forum but it could be because they don’t do schedules until very late here, so maybe other schools do them early and send them in with the transcript.

Well, it’s better that you are on top of this now. Deadlines seem far away, but we have known students who have missed out on the money because they didn’t complete all the steps on time, or other students deciding too late to apply, or other colleges not coming through with the money…these students also miss out. Make sure everything is done early and then follow up with UA to make sure they have received all the documentation.

By the way, when you called UA, is that what they wanted as documentation…the senior schedule?

Just looked on my daughters MyBama. Hers is showing it is “Complete” and “Ready for Review”. We did not have to send her senior year schedule.

^^^ Each case may be different, I would send whatever is required. Better to be safe than sorry.

Our high school did send D’s senior year classes on her transcript.

Some guidance offices send out records promptly and completely, but there are always stories about guidance offices/counselors that need watching.

D applied a few weeks ago. Her status says complete ready for review

Her schedule won’t be available until next week and then they will send it out. They cut it so close each year at her school with schedules. She did speak with admissions and they said once they have that her application will be ready for review.

I would just have your daughter check with the guidance department that it was sent, and then follow up with admissions. Good luck, let us know when she gets accepted. :slight_smile:

@TxNewCollegeMom where did you see the information “status complete and ready for review”?

When you submit the app, A sends you an email confirmation with a user name and link. If you go to that link and login, click the “academics” tab. There, you can “check application status.”