<p>I made the stupidest mistake ever and I'm really worried right now.</p>
<p>I sent the common application by mail but I sent in the common app supplement online. What should I do? Does that mean that they won't receive my supplement? Should I just send in the common application online?</p>
<p>since we’re supposed to send our entire application either through the internet or by mail, choose one method you prefer. i suggest sending in the commonapp online since you’ve already submitted your supplement the same way. it’s rather risky to send it in by mail since its rather close to the deadline.</p>
<p>then, email the NYU admissions office to tell them about your mistake. apologize and alert them to ignore the paper common app. tell them you’re sending in your entire application online through the commonapp website. call them when the undergrad office reopens to remind them about your situation.</p>
<p>you’ll be fine! admission officers are generally very understanding and helpful.</p>