Question About Being Deferred

<p>I applied EA and got deferred. I did, however, have the foresight to schedule an interview for this Thursday, in case this happened. Will this be appended onto my MIT application or should I cancel this interview?</p>

<p>your interview will carry over to the regular decision process - definitely continue with it</p>

<p>You can add whatever you want to your application. The interview report will be added to your file.</p>

<p>Thanks man! Hopefully I’ll be able to improve my odds. Can I also submit additional recommendations?</p>

<p>mollie would be able to quote for you their policy on supplemental reqs…but in short, yes, submit additional recs if they holistically add to your application, i.e. if they say something new or different about you that wasn’t in your regular recs</p>

<p>Yup, you can submit anything you want.</p>

<p>Matt typically posts an update for deferred students a few days after decisons are released. Last year’s is [url=<a href=“]here[/url”>]here[/url</a>].</p>

<p>Notably, Matt says


<p>When reviewing our applications for RD, will they know that we applied EA?</p>

<p>I believe they will, although everybody’s file is re-read.</p>