Question about Bio 1A Discussion

<p>What actually happens during discussion? I understand that the GSI will be reviewing lecture material, but since Bio 1A grades are strictly based on midterm and final scores, does this mean that discussion serves more as a review for the class without assignments and other graded material? I was just confused in how it will be set up. </p>

<p>Also, how do they deal with students that don't show up to the discussions (since last semester's syllabus says that discussion attendance is required)? Is there any penalty for them in not attending? I just know that they account discussion attendance as a factor for the "grade bump" if you are within 3% of the next grade.</p>

<p>Sorry for asking so many questions. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Yeah, discussion is meant for review of lecture material. In section, you’ll usually get worksheets and mini-lectures on topics from lecture if your gsi is on-par. Attendance is pretty pointless, but you’ll stay on your gsi’s good side if you do go. Also, I don’t think the bump is 3%… it’s usually more like 2-3 points.</p>

<p>Thank you! I just found it interesting that they give us worksheets and whatnot but it doesn’t count towards the grade. And I misread the syllabus; they said the bump is within 3 points.</p>