Question about Brown online app! Please help! ;-)


<p>On the page that asks for your test scores, there is only room for FOUR tests. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve taken the SAT (new and old versions) 4 times and I have taken two administration of SAT subject tests. How am I supposed to fit all this information? I would just limit it to the administrations in which I have the best scores, but my composite score is only best when taken from numerous test sessions. Is there a way I can add fields for my other tests?</p>


<p>Wow, four times lol. I would limit it to the best scores (you can pick the scores that give you the highest composite w/o using all four tests).</p>

<p>They'll see all your scores on the College Board score report anyway.</p>

<p>I cannot get the highest composite score (2250) without mixing and matching from at least two administrations. I also took the old SAT, which gave me a higher math score, but that is not accounted in the 2250...ahhhh</p>

<p>I put my old SAT I score, my new SAT I score, and my two best scores from each of the SAT II tests that I took (2 times in total, 3 tests each time).</p>

<p>If you squeeze like I did, there should be enough space.</p>

<p>e.g. SAT I V730/M800
SAT I V760M800W750
SAT II Bio750Math800
SAT II Bio770Chem800</p>

<p>Something like that fits in the space. I got in using this, so you should be fine. All the best!</p>

<p>Putting 2 administrations of the SAT is fine. There are still 2 more spaces left (as shu has shown). The "squeezing" method is the example used right on the Brown app too, so it's not a problem.</p>

<p>And again, why does it matter if one high score is "not accounted for"? They will look at CollegeBoard's score reports.</p>

<p>why hello machiavelli, i am sir thomas more</p>

<p>and i am fervently hoping that they take a full look at our score reports</p>

<p>Um, you only need 2 SAT IIs, so why is it even a problem fitting in two adminstrations of the SAT? Just put down your highest SAT IIs and both the SAT scores. I didn't put down my third SAT II score (which was a bit lower than the other two); it doesn't matter</p>