Question about changing major 2x on application…

My son heard the major he wanted was limited space at the college he wants to go to so he did not choose it when he applied.

I explained that if that was the major he wants, he should apply with it because otherwise he could end up at the college and then not able to transfer into it.

So he changed his 1st choice to the limited space major and moved his prior 1st choice to 2nd choice.

Now he has regrets about the 2nd choice major too and wants to change that again.

My question is….will a college look unfavorably on seeing all these changes to his application?

Unlikely - assuming they haven’t reviewed it yet.

It depends. Colleges understand that if they have limited enrollment programs (like UMD for example) some students may try to game the system. Admissions people are smart and can read. If all your EC and classes were CS heavy and suddenly you applied for major in Agriculture… I doubt it would fly. On the other hand, many students change majors in college too.
To be accepted to competitive major you need to have EC match application. Yes, you can start to study music in college as a minor almost at any school, but I doubt that you will be accepted for a music major if you never played any instrument for a reputable music program…

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