<p>I have a question... can you still sign up for Chem 1 even though you were placed into Intro to chem? I didn't know you can only take the CRA once and did it during school pretty rushed.</p>
<p>I feel like the intro to chem class (from what I've read) would be a waste since its purely online and would be to easy and wouldn't gain anything from it.</p>
<p>Is it just a recommendation or is it mandatory (because unlike ALEKS, a lot of colleges don't place in chem)?</p>
<p>Any info on this or the individual courses would be greatly appreciated, thank you.</p>
<p>i didn’t place into Calc 1… The test is for real. Now… if you already have credits perhaps you can work something out… otherwise have fun in intro to chem… most people start there anyways. As my advisor told me, it’s not where you start but how you finish…</p>
<p>I tried CHM 2045 at Santa Fe before taking CHM 1025, and it was a big mistake. And I had a very strong science background… I ended up withdrawing, and I took CHM 1025 the next semester, and now that I have successfully transferred to UF, I will be taking 2045. I feel adequately prepared, and confident. Everyone is different, but it is definitely not an easy course and is kind of a weed out class, so I’d be careful. But if your placement test placed you into CHM 1025, you’re pretty much stuck. I’d just take it and accept the easy A. You may be surprised at how much you’ve learned from the course - the first test in 2045 is apparent;y the entire semester of 1025, so there’s already a big advantage you’ll have over people who didn’t take 1025.</p>
<p>I’m scheduled to take the online course in the Fall, and quite honestly, I’m unaware of what to expect. It’ll be my first online class so I was wondering how bad it would really be. I really want to be prepared for CHM 2045 which I plan to take this Summer.</p>
<p>I’m in the live version of CHM 1025. We recently took an exam and the class average is C- on that exam. For context, try to calculate the amount of kilojoules from the temperature change of a bomb calorimeter caused by the combustion reaction of a hydrocarbon sample. I do enjoy the irony of how most of the class saw this as a joke but now are being forced to fight for their lives.</p>
<p>damnn that sucks
Do you normally go to tutoring n stuff? now im scared :p</p>
<p>I dont. I took the class for a safety net for GPA. You would better benefit from asking other people for a general idea who dont see chem as their favorite subject</p>
Idk why all ya’ll took this placement test and didn’t mention any details besides disclosing the test material. I took this test assuming it would measure your aptitude for college chem 1 course, or if you can do basic chem. The test was the approximate level of difficulty to an intro to chem final exam. It was as if the chem department was making sure people would have to take their intro to chem course… the exam information says you must score 40, but they never tell you theres 50 questions anywhere, and none of the questions or answers are obvious, aka you have to work through each one, and this is coming from someone who usually finishes their test in 15 minutes with a 4.0 gpa -not trying to brag, hope this information helps anyone else planning on taking the placement exam.