<p>I know this is a reeeeally silly question, but hey, why not stress about everything? :]</p>
<p>As part of every college app, you have to put in your e-mail address. My e-mail address is very non-professional (though it's not inappropriate or anything). I know it's stupid, but I was wondering if it would be recommended that I make a new, more professional e-mail address, such as something along the lines of <a href="mailto:firstnamemiddleinitiallastname@____.com">firstnamemiddleinitiallastname@____.com</a>.</p>
<p>After all, you never know what they might count against you, right? Or should I just say "whatever" and keep using the same e-mail address (one that I made in 7th grade)?</p>
<p>its not that hard to make a new email address. if you feel a yahoo or hotmail account is too cheap-looking, get a gmail account :)</p>
<p>dont see why it worries you so much, it's quite simple to make a new email</p>
<p>That's funny that you bring that up b/c a few of my friends and I had recently discussed that exact topic, and basically we didn't really care for the most part and in general we're all going to where we wanted to go if that gives you more hope. Plus, school's rarely even send e-mails. The only thing I've personally experienced them used for are for whether or not you're accepted, occassional newsletters, online chats for accepted students, and fin aid info, b/c by the time you choose a college you'll take on a new e-mail and your old one will be obsolete. So your e-mail really isn't a big deal, but to cut a long story short, just make a new one if you want.</p>
<p>I did!!!!<br>
old email
[favorite football team][favorite band]fan21@[ISP].net
[1stinitial][mid initial][last name]@[ISP].net</p>
<p>I didn't even listen to the band anymore.</p>