Question about college of engineering

So I recently got admitted to the college of engineering and they say there is a progression in the first year. Does that mean the whole undergraduate program is 5 years long?

@oam129 The progression requirements for UW 's College of Engineering doesn’t mean that the undergraduate program is 5 years long. “Progression requirements” are specified certain requirements set by COE that students must meet in order to continue in an engineering major or to switch between engineering programs. For example, after 2 semesters, a student must have completed 24 credits, and generally, courses taken pass/fail or credit/no credit do not count toward the 24. Another one example is taking the Introduction to Engineering course (InterEGR 110). These requirements must be met in order to move on to the second year in the COE.
The official progression requirements are found on the UW COE website. I believe the CC Terms of Service prohibit posting a link to another website, but if you go to the COE website, follow the links to Academics, then Undergraduate Academics, then Undergraduate Engineering Students. There should be a link named “Progression Requirements” where you can get the details.
The fact of progression requirements doesn’t mean that the undergraduate program is intended or designed to take 5 years. It just means that these requirements must be met in order to proceed. (In the end, a student may need more than 4 years to actually graduate, but this is another story.)
Congratulations on your admission, and good luck with your college career.

CC allows links to those sites.

@wis75 Thank you for clarifying, I’m never sure which links are ok and which are not.
@oam129 Here are UW’s engineering progression requirements.
You’ve already passed a big hurdle by being a direct admit to COE, so it’s a matter of staying the course for your specific major. Congrats again.