<p>I am planning to apply for Fall 2009 Transfer,
and I am worried about college official's report.</p>
<p>I attend 4 year private university, and I do not know my dean or other college official
in any personal level. But, in this report, they are supposed to wirte evaluatiom of transferring student.</p>
<p>Does this report affect much in admission process, or is it just another required form?
Do you guys know your Dean/college official well enough to write a good one?
What is the best approach to get a good college official's report?</p>
<p>I am almost in the same situation as you. I attend a public, four-year university with 20,000 undergraduates. For the college official’s report, I had to work some magic but I got it figured out. First, I sent my form to the university registrar to fill out information on class rank. Next, I had them send it to my professor who can describe my academic prowess and personal qualities. Following that, I had him send it to the student judicial affairs office to fill in disciplinary information. Finally, they seal it up and send it to the schools. It’s complicated, but it’s the only way I was able to make it work. Also, I’m sending an official academic report with the form.</p>
<p>My registrar filled it out and all she did was fill out the disciplinary part and nothing else. I got into Cornell, so it obviously did not matter too much. I don’t think schools expect your dean to know you, so it shouldn’t matter too much if the commentary is blank. Your professor recs are what matters for that.</p>
<p>I talked to Columbia about this, my dean did the same thing - left all the personal questions about me blank. Columbia said this was fine because the College Report is for the uni you are applying to to know whether or not yoh have had any academic problems etc. at your current college.</p>
<p>The Prof rec’s, high school report, college transcript, you’re EC’s, and to a lesser degree you’re high school grades (grade twelve and maybe eleven will plausibly carry the most weight) will bespeak more about you as a transfer candidate then what a dean that does not know you ever could.</p>
<p>Agree with all of the above. However, if you would like to have those more personal portions of the Dean report completed (or your Dean would like to do so), he can coordinate with your advisor or a prof who knows you to flesh out the form.</p>
<p>Literally the college offical’s report is to present your good disciplinary standing in college. u dont have to know the dean necessarily. they will automatically leave the comment blank when they fill the firms.</p>