Hi, I am applying as a transfer student and asked my professors for letters of recommendations. One of them has already uploaded them. I told them I was applying to three colleges, but now I am thinking about applying to one more. If I do go through with it I know I will have to assign them. If I do assign them again, will the professor who already uploaded his recommendations for me have to upload them again, or are they autosaved or something similar? I hope this makes sense and thanks for reading this!
Also if I do assign them again will they get an email invitation? Or is the invitation a one time thing?
From what I was told, professors have to individually upload letters of recs for each college they are invited to. So, they likely would have to re-upload the letter rec for any new colleges you chose to apply to.
In regards to the email invitation, I believe they do receive one. However, I’m not sure if they receive the exact same one every time you invite them to upload: it may just be a simple notification. Hope this helps!
*** I know all of this because a professor I asked to write my rec discussed the process with me.
Hi, I just applied to some schools, too. If you go on the Common App and assign a teacher that has already written and submitted your letter, it will automatically say “submitted” and they do not need to reupload it. Try it out! I’m not sure if it still sends an email to them, but it should not be much of a nuisance. So you can get away with adding schools last minute without waiting on your recommenders to submit and anyways, you can submit your applications with recommendations - some schools have different deadlines for teacher recommendations, but I applied to schools as early as January 1st and my teacher recommendations aren’t even due until January 15th.