Question about Common App Transfer Essay

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm looking to transfer in the fall and two of the schools that I want to apply to use Common App. On Common App, though, you could only submit one transfer essay for both schools. I do realize both schools have supplementary essays, but I wanted to kind of personalize each transfer essay. The question exactly is: </p>

<p>Please provide a statement (250 words minimum) that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.</p>

<p>My dream school is College of William and Mary and I wanted to include what I like about it and how it's going to help me achieve my goals. It's a reach since my GPA isn't as high as the average but I still want to apply... Should I just not apply to the second one (Which is UVa, another reach)? Thanks for the help and opinions. :]</p>