Question about dating in college

<p>I'm a HSer, but I'm just curious about what the dating scene in college generally is like. Tbh, I don't date in HS, but would that = not dating in college as well?</p>

<p>Also, what are college guys like?</p>

<p>There is a variety</p>

<p>you’re bound to find your true love in there… maybe…</p>

<p>Dating in college is similar to dating in high school, except you have many more options to choose from because the student body sizes are usually huge. There is also a greater amount of casual dating in college. People like to hang out more instead of committing most of the time.</p>

<p>College men are pretty much the same as high school guys, except they are older, presumably “wiser”, and drunker. But man are they hot…</p>

<p>I agree with Sassy6519 in that there is a lot more casual dating in college than high school. Things also tend to move faster in college IMO.</p>

<p>From my experience, casual dating is fun and doesn’t negatively impact your studies. However, I like to say that being in a serious relationship in college is like adding a 5 credit hour course to your schedule that you’re going to end up failing.</p>

<p>So No Commitment relationships for like long term?</p>

<p>Bumpppp .</p>

<p>I never dated in high school. I’ve had two bfs in college, my current one for nearly a year. </p>

<p>We never really went on formal dates. Just hung out. I don’t see it as adding more credits to a schedule. :stuck_out_tongue: Our relationship is fairly easy to maintain, just have the occasional fights.</p>

<p>However, at my college, it seems that dating is actually drunkenly hooking up with people, then drunkenly hooking up with them exclusively, then it might form into something more. Obviously not all, but a lot of it.</p>

<p>Thats the reason that I find dating a little difficult here. I don’t drink/smoke/party so people tend to be real awkward about dating w/o alcohol in them. This seems to not be the case so much with upperclassmen, probably because they’re more confident…</p>

<p>I’ve seen more random hookups in college. There also seems to be a lot of people that are what I’d call long term hookups. You do still see people in relationships.</p>

<p>The thing I’ve noticed is that couples pretty much just hang out at their house or go to events together instead of the typical dates. People in college don’t really have the money to wine and dine you all the time. It doesn’t mean they aren’t interested.</p>

<p>It depends. You can still be anti-social and not meet anybody, it’s up to you.</p>

<p>I find that guys in college are a lot more confident about approaching girls, which means a better chance of being asked out, if you’re into the whole waiting around thing. Usually they’re a lot more experienced with dating. But then again, that’s my experience, I really think it depends on what social scene you’re at.</p>

<p>The above posters are right. I’d like to add that there are certain boundaries though…my college friends constantly warn me of the dangers of dating within my own hallway. Which does make sense, considering you’re living around that person for at least a year, a break up could cause immense awkwardness.</p>

<p>Couldn’t one just go all four years without dating?</p>

<p>You generally find your future husband or wife in college. I think that’s all you need to know.</p>

<p>Yeah, you could go all four years without dating if you wanted to. You could go all four years hardly being single if you wanted to also. It’s college, you get to do what you want. That’s sort of the point.</p>

<p>Since people don’t live with their parents anymore theres a lot more time/freedom to do what you want, whether that’s dating or casually dating or not dating at all. I personally like being in a relationship if the person is right so I don’t avoid it if happens, some people don’t like it so they do avoid it. Can I make words bigger on here? Does bolding work? Ok, here we go:</p>

<p>ITS UP TO YOU</p>


true that. being with your girlfriend can end up taking a LARGE chunk of your time out. definitely affected my 2nd semester grades.</p>

<p>How frequent are relationships with no sex?</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear that, and it’s wonderful that such statistics are being gathered with such precision! Imagine, someone could have given me a more general answer, like “frequent,” or “very rare.” But now, with these 100% accurate studies, I can get sarcasm from a ******bag and a false answer!</p>

<p>smh @ this thread. MOB anyone?</p>

<p>7/22 is a good approximation of pi^(-1), and it is sexy.</p>

<p>umm actually the statistic was just updated an d its now 9/22</p>

<p>In all seriousness sex in college relationship is not only frequent its expected and soon. Couples usually test to see if they r sexually compatible between the 3rd to 6th date.</p>