question about decision?

<p>Hey guys...</p>

<p>I completed my application about a week ago, when will I get my decision?</p>


<p>depending on the strength of your applications and the number of applicants they are processing right now, it will range between 1 week to 1 month. </p>

<p>I’ve talked to people who were accepted within 1 week with good grades and people like me who didn’t have stellar grades in 1 month</p>

<p>does an offer of merit aid come with the admissions decision, or do you have to wait longer for that?</p>


<p>as far as I know… when you get your acceptance… you will get an invite to apply for the full tuition scholarship… there will be an essay I think?</p>

<p>i know this one guy who got accepted and heard at the same time that he got a full tuition scholarship</p>

<p>People who are selected to apply for more competitive scholarships are notified in late February. It’s getting really competitive this year, you need a 1400 on the SAT, rank in the top 5% of your class and have a GPA of at least 4.19 to have a excellent shot</p>

<p>If your GPA and SAT/ACT scores are high enough, they’ll give you full tuition and invite you to apply for the one that also covers room and board and gives you a research/books grant You need 2 letters of rec, one obligatory essay, and two essays from a list of six topics.</p>