<p>Hi, my daughter doesn't know I am writing this, but I really could use some input. She is coming in at Winter quarter in January. She's a new freshman, undeclared, probably into environmental science or something related. </p>
<p>I understand how opinions differ -- but can you please tell me your own regarding which co-ed dorms are considered least funky, nicest, best, etc., whatever..?</p>
<p>What she's like: she parties, but she's usually the most responsible person in the group. She's also really funny, has a ton of friends, extremely likable, adaptable, surfs, snowboards, played varsity sports throughout high school, plays flute, prefers clean food.</p>
<p>The issue: Ok, right now she's seriously considering just living off-campus in January, cuz she says everyone already is so established at the dorms, that she has missed a lot & that it's pretty awkward coming in there in January to start out her freshman year.<br>
I sense that she's a little shy; can you please offer any suggestions? I'm just trying to help figure it all out.
Some dorms are louder or different than others, right..? So, which dorm (or housing) do you prefer, or what sounds like it might be a possible fit for her?</p>
<p>All opinions are welcome. Have to either contact housing or look for a rental, soon.<br>
THANKS so much
P.S. Also, does anyone bring their car there? If so, how?
Things just aren't that clear until you finally get in there :-)</p>
<p>Forget about parking on-campus.... the university will absolutely NOT let you buy an on-campus parking permit (300something dollars) if you are a freshman or a sophomore AND living on-campus... unless you have a serious necessity like an existing job (which they'll want a letter from). Check out TAPS's site.. there are details there. There are some churchs at the base of campus along High Street that sell cheaper parking permits (in their lots) to students, but they maybe taken by the winter quarter.</p>
<p>I entered UCSC first as a freshman (living in the dorms), left and returned as a sophomore in the winter the following year (living in the on-campus apartments). The groups definitely are established after the fall quarter and it is a little more difficult to find people as willing to branch out and make friends at this time. However, it is not at all impossible or even hard. I'd certainly recommend going into the dorms in the Winter over going off-campus. Cowell and Stevenson's halls are pretty small and everyone knows everyone... it wouldn't be hard to get to know people there. Despite the proximity, I found meeting people other than your housemates in the apartment building rather difficult. My housemate, who was an extremely confident and outgoing guy, met a girl in a class spring quarter... turns out she lived about 30 feet away from us the entire year, and neither had ever seen her. I can't imagine living off campus being any less akward than on as a freshman.</p>
<p>Although Cowell and stevenson are favored by many, their mutual dining hall is closed for this winter and a new one is being built and will open in the spring. Everyone currently must hike up to the Crown/Merrill dining hall , which is 6-8 stories higher up and a 5 min walk... not a big deal, but at 9am when you're starving and it's freezing and/or wet/rainy outside.. that walk sucks... and C/M has the worst food.</p>
<p>Miser pretty much summed it up, "Stay in the dorms." Your daughter is going to want to make friends the first year before she ventures off into apartments of w/e she is considering. Even after being here for 4 weeks (I'm a freshmen) i have met enough friends of similar mindsets that I can hang out with on my free time and I will likely meet more people as the year goes on. Although some cliques may exclude new members, there are enough people with open minds and who love to meet new people so your daughter should not have a problem. </p>
<p>As for dorms, I would not recommend stev/Cowell right now. I have a couple friends there that really dislike the fact that they do not have a nearby dining hall. College 8 seems like a good choice possibly. I do not know what "light partying" means to you. The parties here at 9 are pretty intense. If you party here, you are drinking heavy alcohol and there are always people in the room smoking weed. It is not uncommon to see someone passed out by the door way because they drank so much. My favorite people come from Merrill, but they do not party much... so I would not know of a 'happy medium' college.</p>
<p>Your D sounds more like a fit at Cowell/Stevenson. I think that if she were to do a little legwork, find a facebook group or something thne she would "know" some people when she first moves in.</p>
<p>I would strongly discourage going straight off-campus. It will only intensify her feelings of being the outsider and make it harder to make inroads. UCSC kids are overall friendly and welcoming. Definitely NOT like being the new kid in high school which is likely what your D is anticipating. Best of luck swaying her opinion!</p>
<p>I would say Porter (i have a slight bias) because its sooo easy to make friends here! theres no real drama and everyones super friendly. buttttttt I doubt that you'd get in because theres limited space due to construction on the 2nd dorm building.
College 8 is another good candidate because its friendly and pretty surfer-ish vibe. Also, if she is going into Env. Studies thats the perfect place. Plus they have a dining hall, which Porter will not next quarter. </p>
<p>but definitely live on campus. I dont know how you would make friends if you lived off campus...Not impossible, but super hard.</p>
<p>Wow. My thanks to everyone for such kind and helpful responses. They're all great & thought-provoking, especially when I compare your comments to our visits there, cuz that's all we've had going so far. And you know how those visits are: we are still on the outside looking in.</p>
<p>Cali, light partying means "okay to get high, but not in a way that's intrusive on your life or on anyone else's" or, better yet: just "don't act stupid".. Basically, she's a lightweight and only smokes a little pot sometimes, and has a little beer sometimes, and usually ends up as the DD. But that scenario you described would sure be unwelcome, and I think there's another concern: as Banana touched on, the options are also gonna' be slim because housing really is pretty full now. </p>
<p>That kind of drug behavior Cali mentioned is something my daughter definitely wants to avoid.
As outsiders, we have heard things about the school and figure it is pretty lenient there. As a matter of fact, we already saw it during one of those Visiting days last Spring. People were smoking pot close enough to the groups that were being taken around. It was a little odd. </p>
<p>HistoryMom -- great suggestion about Facebook.<br>
Miser, thanks much for the info -- great post.
You all pretty much agree, and that is heartening. Plus you chose different facts to share, so I was actually able to get a lot of info.<br>
I found another thread here, kindof' old (2005) and came away thinking Porter was cool back then. It's always people who make or break any situation -- but 3 years ago, that was the place to be.
Can't thank you enough.. I will keep checking in. Frankly, I am thinking of showing your posts to my daughter -- they're just great.
Best wishes,
Mom :-)</p>
<p>Yeahhhh Porter's still the place to be :D great people. there are plenty of people who do light partying like you described. Its just a bunch of cool people hanging out a lot of the time.</p>
<p>Apparently the artsy types flock to Porter out of High School. My friend’s school had thirty-something students go to UCSC, nearly all of whom wanted Porter.</p>
<p>its not just artsy folk. more musicy people. nature folk. weird. accepting.
this is coming from someone in Porter, by the way. it really is the best place to be.</p>
<p>I’d suggest being on campus dorm because it’s so much convenient to get acquainted into the college life. Seems like she’s a friendly outgoing girl, so she will not have a hard time to strike conversation with people. Here at UCSC, you can pretty much make opportunities to make new friends. If not in the dorms, during class! And if not in class, in the bus and other activities you’re involved in. It’s no problem at all.</p>
<p>I’ll be returning to UCSC this Winter… she could always come hang with us!</p>