Question about earliest time to take the SAT

<p>When you send scores to colleges can you send scores from an SAT you took as a 10th grader? Just curios.</p>

<p>It’s my understanding that you cannot. However, scores from the fall of your junior year are just fine–my D took the SAT once in November of her junior year. That was it. She just finished her freshman year in college.</p>

<p>So lets say you take the SAT in June between your sophmore and junior year. You complete sophmore year in May, does this count? Where would I find out?</p>

<p>You can send scores from your entire hs career. In fact, you can’t avoid sending your complete SAT record (i.e., you can’t choose which scores colleges see) unless you’re in the hs graduating class of 2010 or later. My classmates and I have taken SAT IIs in 9th/10th grades, and the scores will be included in the score reports.</p>

<p>Yea I think sophomore year is fine, I mean I took a bunch of my SAT IIs freshman year. It’ll only show how good you are even as a sophomore and that you can probably do better.</p>

<p>yeah as long as you take it while you’re in high school you’ll be fine. </p>

<p>My friend took a SAT II her sophomore year and I’m sure the SAT I wouldn’t be any different. </p>

<p>I took the SAT I in 8th grade and it was deleted off my record but any time after that would have counted. </p>

<p>If you want to make sure then just check the College Board website</p>

<p>but why do youwant to take it early? If I were that interested in the SAT my sophomore yr I’d take advantage of the time I have to study and then ace it my junior year. Unfortunately I lost that time :(</p>

<p>Scores that you receive from 9th grade on will appear on your “report”
However, anything before 9th grade will be deleted at the end of the year unless a paper request is sent in to keep your scores.</p>

<p>Hope that clears up everything :D</p>