<p>I applied ED and I expect a letter from Admissions on the 15th, like everybody else. However, my friend showed me that there is already an “Amherst College Class of 2013” group on Facebook - with 24 members. Now, I know to expect something on the 15th but does the Facebook group mean that acceptances have already gone out and people have heard? Is there a way to check on the website?</p>
<p>I don’t want to join the group, because, well, I’m not in the Amherst Class of 2013.</p>
<p>I checked out the facebook page and yes, there is an Amherst class of 2013 on Facebook but when you look at when the members joined…it was back in Sept and Oct of this year. So these folks are probably hopefuls and not acceptees.</p>
<p>I checked it out too. Look at the related groups on the side. Click on some. There are just a bunch of different “____________ class of 2013” groups. And if you look at the admins of those groups, it’s all the same people. The same people are making all the different groups. I would say most people in that group aren’t even applying.</p>
<p>There were 9 students already admitted through the Questbridge Match program, so some of those might be them, but they didn’t find out till 12-1. Just a thought.</p>
<p>Also some of these people might be students who deferred admission and took a year off.</p>