<p>Hey guys, I was just wondering that for those who applied online, did you also have your parents and your counselor sign a sheet? What if, as in my case, my parents didn't sign anything? Thanks.
(of course, this question is sort of too late to ask)</p>
<p>There's a virtual signature that you'll have to "sign". Also recommendations and school reports can't be sent online.</p>
<p>Yeah, there was an ED agreement for my GC and parents and me to sign. If you didn't, then I don't think you were considered an ED applicant (but I may be wrong...).</p>
<p>I applied online, but I also sent in that ED agreement.
I wasn't sure if you had to send it in for online applicants, but I did anyway.</p>
<p>Yeah, I applied online and had to have my parents/counselor sign a slip about the ED agreement</p>
<p>omz, you definitely did have to send it. well, at least according to my GC. and I think it was on the checklist online, though again I may be wrong.</p>
<p>Yeah, it was definitely on the checklist</p>
<p>Yeah, and I think you could only access the status check if you were ED.
I think...
I don't know.</p>
<p>what if they said that my application was complete?</p>
<p>then it should not matter.</p>