Question about engineering and some other stuff

<p>Sup guys. I had a question about engineering. I didn't take physics throughout high school (Not even sure why...) and was wondering if that means I shouldn't even consider applying engineering for vtech. My stats already suck ass so that makes me even more worried...</p>

<p>3.6 gpa weighted
1410/1600 - 750 on math and 660 on reading
Full IB Diploma candidate with IB Bio 2 as my current science with IB Bio 1 and IB ESS in junior year with IB Chem 1 in sophomore year. and IB Math SL 2 as my current math.
Couple ECs such as business honor society, volunteering over the summers and a couple of clubs here and there. I currently have a job
I had a lot of stuff going on at home, even until recently.
Asian male, in nova (this is REALLY not lookng good for me... lol)</p>

<p>So my questions were:</p>

<p>1) Will not having physics hurt my chances a lot? I'm not too sure what the classes are like in general engineering but there has to be basic physics right? Or will it mostly be review and will I fall behind if I even am admitted? I'm not the brightest kid in math but a lot of my friends who suck at math and take easy math classes don't seem to have too much trouble in IB physics..</p>

<p>2) Is there a chance they will reject me from engineering but then offer me a spot in general studies or possibly biology? Because biology is my second choice. </p>

<p>3) If #1 is yes and #2 a no, should I just go ahead and apply in biology? I mean biology is good in vtech right? Also you only get to choose 1 major when applying right? (There's no 1st choice, 2nd best choice and so on)</p>

<p>4) Should I bother writing an essay and explain how some of the bumps in my grades occured? I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses but I do feel they had a part in screwing with my grades a bit. </p>

<p>5) Kinda off topic but- I got a 2070 on the november sat and it was my best score in all three subjects. The previous 2 were a 1810 and an 1840. It was a significant improvement but I'm not really sure if I should submit all of them to show improvement or just submit the last one since it's the best in all three subjects anyway? </p>

<p>Anyway thanks all, and congrats to all who got accepted... Virginia tech is definitely my number one choice but I'm just confused about what to do...appreciate any responses!</p>

<p>I think you’re stressing the details too much o_O
Just do it. Nike.</p>

<p>Basically my main concern is that maybe I’ll have a much better chance applying for bio rather than applying for engineering and getting rejected. Because even though I would prefer engineering, I am seriously considering biology as well. My ideal scenario would be to apply to engineering and if I don’t make it get offered to biology. But idk if that’s even possible.</p>

<p>Yes, your GPA is statistically low for engineering, however your SATs are strong. Class rigor counts. You may have more going for you then you think.</p>

<p>If you think there is a chance you want to study engineering, apply there. You may get accepted, or offered general studies. At this point you can choose to study biology or take first year engineering classes, with the exception of one or two which are exclusive to engineering school students. You can pick these up during your first year at the community college in Blacksburg. It is not uncommon. If your grades are high enough you can transfer into engineering. It is much easier to start there IF you think you may want to study engineering.</p>

<p>How difficult will it be? That depends on what type of student you are. You are going to face many ‘weeder’ classes. If you have the determination to study, not procrastinate, seek out help, and stay on top of your classes, you have a much better shot. Many students don’t do well because they are lousy first year students, not because they are not smart.</p>

<p>Send in the last score only. No question.</p>

<p>1) I don’t think it’ll hurt that much. The general engineering classes are an absolute joke (they’re not easy to get an A in, just a joke) and you won’t be using physics in them. All engineers have to take physics I (and II I think) and that class is taught as if you haven’t taken physics before.</p>

<p>2) Yes, they can reject you from engineering but accept you into general studies.</p>

<p>4) If you have very good reasons then it may help. It could also help to have your counselor write something. It’d help a lot more if you have an upward trend and can show that stuff is behind you.</p>

<p>5) Just submit the higher one. An upward trend in SAT doesn’t really mean the same thing an upward trend in GPA does.</p>

<p>I don’t like making guesses as to whether people will get in or not because I Don’t Know, but I’d say you have an outside shot. NOVA hurts, GPA hurts, SAT is good, classes look like they’ll help. If you really want to be an engineer apply engineering, if you’re unsure you should probably apply Bio.</p>

<p>Oh so there is a chance that they might offer general studies? And it’s not dishonest to only submit 1 score since superscore will be the same right? Thank you iguana and thanks pho</p>

<p>It’s not dishonest at all. There’s only one spot on the application for a score.</p>

<p>And yeah, at least I at least know they used to and I don’t know of any reason they’d have stopped doing that.</p>

<p>Switching to bio would be easy at least compared to within from general to engineering right? I think everything is answered… Thank you all I appreciate the replies</p>