Question about financial aid

<p>I accidentally ended up sending my financial aid forms ('07 and '08, in their entirety) a couple days late. I recently received my award letter (yay! :D) today, and they mentioned that I should send all my '08 forms. Should I resend them? M'not sure if the financial aid office would prefer to have another copy, but I don't want to waste paper and send it again if it's not necessary.</p>

<p>Thank you for reading! (:</p>

<p>Sorry to jack the thread but i have a question as well.
I saw an offer on TAMS on… Friday? And I took a screenshot of it. When I looked at it again on saturday (i’m that paranoid), it was replaced with " You indicated in your admissions application that you wish to be considered for financial aid from Tufts. If you have submitted all the necessary information and have no aid award, it is because we are in the process of reviewing your aid application.
The Financial Aid Office is unable to make an aid decision if we have yet to receive your CSS/Profile and/or other information previously requested. We will review your application upon receipt of your CSS Profile and/or other requested information. "</p>

<h2>What does this mean? Are they taking back the offer? D: Or is it because of the weekends/holidays? Anyone know?</h2>

<p>Oh and Lily, were you EDII?</p>

<p>Haha, no problem! This can be the financial aid question thread. (: Although I might just call…
And yep! I am ED2. You too, right? Congrats! :] I am so excited; class of '13, yay!</p>

Called earlier today and everything is well again!
Hope to see you there too ^^</p>

<p>Would you mind giving some idea of the package you got relative to need and the composition i.e grants, loan, work study etc. Thanks.</p>