Question about free time / long weekends

Hi guys,
I am most likely going to be transferring into CP SLO for CS this upcoming Fall 2023. I was actually wondering how much free time I would have, and how often I would have it. I know it’s different for everyone, and maybe if I time manage well I’ll have a lot of it.
More specifically, how often would I have a long weekend like 2-4 days to possibly drive down to LA to hang out with friends, or drive back home to SF? Obviously, I’m going to be enjoying my time at SLO, and what it has to offer, but maybe if a long weekend comes up, I may want to head down to a major city.
I feel like I won’t have much time since I think I would have a lot of upper-division coursework for CS. Or would this really just be a time management thing?

I hope this question wasn’t too dumb or anything. Thanks