<p>so i am on a waitlist, and i was wondering what sort of stuff i should tell them so that i might get accepted. i am going to send them a note saying that if accepted, i will definitely yield. do you think i should also mention that i did not get in anywhere else and that they are my only option?</p>
<p>are you on Penn’s waitlist xfer101?
did you apply to cas?</p>
<p>nah, rejected by penn.
gtown’s waitlist</p>
<p>I wouldn’t include the part about being rejected everywhere else. There’s really no point.</p>
<p>Update them on what you’ve done since you sent in your app. Final grades, awards, new ECs, etc. I don’t know about Georgetown but some schools also offer waitlist interviews, so you could try asking about that. Don’t mention that you got rejected from the rest of your schools; you want to show yourself in the best light possible. Also if you can try to arrange a visit I would, and go to the admissions office and make it clear that you are on the waitlist and are still interested – in person. I still haven’t heard anything from Georgetown… weird. Good luck!</p>
<p>My computer was just freaking out but, it’s all good now! Sorry for the multiple posts of frustration.</p>
<p>Does anyone know what is going on with the Georgetown waitlist? My d hasn’t heard anything either. She wrote a letter of continued interest and a fax and call. I thought she was to have heard something by today. Or does the fact that we haven’t heard anything mean a “no”? She has other good options, but G’town was her top choice.</p>
<p>i never actually received anything in the mail yet about being on the waitlist, but i emailed my admissions officer and was told it is likely i will be on the waitlist, to wait for the mail come late may, and that i have until june 15 to secure a spot on the waitlist. hope this helps</p>