Question about GPA and Courses

<p>I wasn't sure where to ask this question, so I guessed this section seemed like it was the most appropriate section. </p>

<p>My question is which is more important to colleges - the courses you take, or the GPA you get at the semester?</p>

<p>I'm not doing so well in one of my core classes, chemistry, and I have been telling myself I'd switch out but I don't know if it's a good choice. This class is an honors class so my GPA is weighted, but I might fail at the semester, which is coming up VERY soon and I need an answer quick. Colleges, such as UCSD or UCLA, will they judge me on how I challenge myself and risk an F? Or my GPA? I think I have around 75% overall grade, maybe lower, but if I can't handle this class so far, how will I pass the finals?</p>

<p>Ah, the classic question: Is it better to get an A in a regular course, or a B in an AP or honors course?</p>

<p>The annoying answer is, get the A in the AP or honors course.</p>

<p>In all honesty, you should take challenging courses that you’re curious about. It sounds weird, but it’s true. As far as I can see, it’s the only way you can be motivated and do well without killing yourself, and take something useful out of the course while you’re at it. So ask yourself: are you really curious about chemistry? Is this curiosity so great that you can only quench it by pursuing chemistry at a higher level? If the answer is yes, go for it. Stick with the course, work your ass off, and try for a decent grade (ideally a B at this point) this semester, and an excellent one next semester. See your teacher before school, after school, at lunch; get a tutor; whatever it takes. If there’s a will, there’s a way - if you’re genuinely curious, you can learn it.</p>

<p>If the answer is no, I’d do the above but opt out of the class next semester, and focus on taking challenging classes in my other core subjects. Good colleges want rigorous courseloads, but you have to reason with yourself. You can’t sacrifice your GPA just to take some fancy smancy class you don’t care about. We all have our limits.</p>

<p>(I figured this out the hard way. I’m taking AP World History. I like history but I’m not “curious,” per se, and this class is hell.)</p>

<p>I go with rachael’s answer… do the best u can. if u suck at math and just can’t do the work don’t accept a 100 from the first day even when others are getting it</p>