Question about GPA calculation

<p>I’ve read here that an A+ equates to 4.33 - but the overall GPA will not exceed 4.0 for any given semester - therefore an A+ can help balance out a lower grade in a semester. </p>

<p>Wondering if that A+ (i.e. 4.33) carries over into the calculation for subsequent semesters (overall GPA) or if it basically becomes a 4.0 once it’s factored into the current semester GPA?</p>

<p>For example, if a kid has all A’s and A+'s one semester, but the next semester gets grades lower than an A, will that 4.33 first semester help balance out the lower grades of the second semester in the overall GPA calculation (or does it only count for the semester in which is was earned)?</p>

<p>There is a GPA calculator in Degreeworks that you can plug grades into and get an overall GPA. It also lets you put in grades for other semesters as well.</p>

<p>OK, thanks. Did a search on this forum and learned that you can ‘stockpile’ A+'s and use them to offset lower grades in future semesters.</p>

<p>That’s awesome news! Here’s hoping my S has a few from time to time! :)</p>

<p>RTRMOM can you explain what you found? D’13 will be transferring in a 3.82 with 43 DE credits plus 12 AP credits. Wondering if eventually she can get that back up to a 4.0?</p>

<p>she would have to get about 21 credits of A+ to offset the 42 credits of 3.82, but the best news is that once you start at UA you get a clean slate with regard to GPA and you begin to build a UA GPA.</p>

<p>So a class taken at com’n college in the summer has no effect on UA GPA, then?</p>

<p>no, i don’t think so. they just transfer the class/credits</p>

<p>CC grades DO count towards your gpa. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>hmm … </p>

<p>here’s a quote</p>

<p>Grades earned on transfer courses are posted to the UA record and are factored into the student’s Overall GPA. Transfer courses do not factor into the student’s UA GPA. </p>

<p>so, yes, they factor into the overall GPA, just like the 42 DE hours do, but do not impact your UA GPA. which would be a reasonable GPA to report on a resume or job app.</p>

<p>Okay, I think I understand…her GPA right now is 3.63 at 19 DE credits even though she has not stepped foot on campus (per the Degree Works Calculator), this semester she obtained a 4.0 with an additional 12 credits DE. I expect the same next semester. When I play with the grade calculator for future semesters it does include her transfer credits.</p>

<p>MikeW I agree that on a job application her UA gpa would be reasonable. The C in intro to Chem at 14 might be forgiven, now she understands the benefits of dropping a class. However since she is a Marine Science/Bio major D knows law school or grad school is in her future in which case I believe that her transfer GPA would ultimately matter.</p>

<p>Does she plan to retake her chemistry at UA? Is there a possibiblyt that the chemistry grade would be replaced if she did retake it at UA?</p>

<p>vlines, she will take Chem 1 but not retake intro to Chem. I looked it up a while back and if I remember correctly she would not be eligible for grade forgiveness because the grade was a C or above.</p>

<p>BUT…she may be able to choose not to use that class to meet her requirements. If she does nit use the class, does it even have to show on her transcript, and does the C then disappear? </p>

<p>I dont know the answer to that, but I sure as heck would campaign to try to get rid of the grade. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>I don’t think you can pick & choose. S has a B from an English class he doesn’t need at all & it’s in that elective category.</p>

<p>Dang. Have you ever asked if he can drop it? And do you think they may consider dropping a class for a kid that took it at 14 vs a kid that took the class as a senior in hs? </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>I think you’d have to look to see what GPA is put on the UA transcript to decide what goes on a resume. If the GPA on the UA transcript includes transfer credits, then that would go on the resume.</p>

<p>[Grades</a> and Grade Points < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Grades”></p>

<p>near the bottom of the page it says this…</p>

<p>Repeat Course Policy
The University of Alabama repeat course policy reads as follows:</p>

<p>The grade and credit of the last (most recent) attempt of a course taken more than once will count in the student’s GPA and earned hours. All previous attempts will only count in the calculation of the GPA but not in earned hours. This also applies to courses taken at other institutions and transferred in to UA as an equivalent course.</p>

<p>Requests for exceptions to this policy shall be submitted in writing (or email) by the college to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.</p>

<p>Federal Regulations limit the number of times a student may repeat a course and recieve financial aid for that course.</p>

<p>^^ I don’t think she will retake the class knowing the C is still calculated in the GPA. Partly because I think she will be able recover her GPA … It will be a 3.8 by the time she reaches Bama but also so she can dive right into Chem 1. She wants to be able to take Marine Bio classes Summer 2014.</p>

<p>If the credits are dual enrollment, the grades follow you to college and beyond, i.e. those grades must be reported if applying to med school or dental school.</p>