Question about housing?

<p>Hi everyone.</p>

<p>I was accepted EA to the University of Miami.It is currently in my top 5, along with Villanova, BC, and several RD schools. I have one question about housing at the U.</p>

<p>I am unlikely to make my final decision on what school I will attend until mid-late April because I want to hear from several RD schools (and I need to re-visit Miami, Villanova, etc). If I choose Miami around that time, do my chances of getting into my first choice of dorm diminish (my 1st choice is Hecht)? In other words, does paying the enrollment deposit later affect your spot in the housing order?</p>


<p>Congrats on having lots of options available to you! Don’t worry, though - UM won’t assign housing until after May 1 (the enrollment deposit deadline), and, if I remember correctly, they don’t normally actually make the assignment until June or July.</p>

<p>I don’t know if paying your housing deposit earlier allows you a better chance at obtaining your first choice housing but I do know that when you submit your housing deposit, you are assigned a contract number that follows you while you are at UM. Your future housing choice will be based on your contract number. For example, as a senior, you can choose your housing before a sophomore, however, within the group of seniors, your time slot for choosing housing is based on your contract number given you as an incoming student. The earlier you apply for housing, the better your contract number will be among your peers and you will have earlier access to the housing system then your friends that sent in their housing deposit after you - even several years later. Good Luck</p>

<p>From what I’ve seen, there isn’t much difference between Hecht and Stanford. Stanford seems to have more Frost (music) majors and is connected via covered walkway to the dining hall. Hecht usually wins the annual “sportsfest” competition. With the entire buildings both housing 2000 new freshman each year, the personality and reputation of each gets re-invented annually!
You’d be happy with either, I think…</p>

<p>Well said Zinc…re-invented annually with each new crop of freshman! Just FYI, Stanford won Sportsfest last year and we’ll see if that streak continues after this weekend!</p>

<p>Oh, just got off Skype with our D - she says: “Oh yeah, Hecht yeah!!” - guess where she lives?</p>

<p>I don’t think so. Student accepted off the waitlist last May got his first choice for dorm assignment.</p>

<p>When comparing housing for Miami and Villanova, remember that housing is very tight for freshmen at Villanova. Triples are common. At Miami, Hecht and Stanford offer double rooms, unless you are a rare freshman to get a single.</p>

<p>Do any of you know whether there are student lounges for students to congregate on each, or every other floor. When I was in school and when my son was in summer college programs, these no frill lounges were very important. We studies there, met our hall mates there, ordered late nigh Dominos, etc. It was a place to go late at nigh to bond w/ floor mates, especially if you had a roomate who syudied more, demsnding quiet or went to sleep munch earlier than you.</p>

<p>At this point, some of the floors in Stanford have a study/common room. It used to be the 22 room. Not sure if it will stay that way next year or not. (I think it depends on enrollment and if they need the rooms to become dorm rooms again) Many of the kids in the dorm keep their doors open and bond with their floormates with the aid of a good RA who plans fun events for them.
There is a study room on the ground floor of the dorm, not to mention libraries, for late night studying as well.</p>

<p>My son’s floor in Hecht has a room that they use for meetings, studying or getting together to order pizza. It’s not an extra room, there are no closets and there are windows on the front. It’s right when you get off of the elevator.</p>

<p>VHFather, that is the 22 room. My D also is in Hecht, and on her floor, they are actually using it for housing. I think they would like to have a study/hangout room on each floor, but as DinDune stated, it really depends on enrollment and housing needs.</p>

<p>Same deal with my D’s floor in Hecht - room right off the elevators - usually in use for something when we have visited. Wasn’t like a true “lounge” room however. Back in the day, I lived in dorms that had real carpeted lounge areas with oversized foam stuffed furniture, tables with chairs for eating or card playing. We hung out there constantly, mostly because you couldn’t get more than half a dozen people in a typical dorm (bed)room comfortably. I think the setups in Mahoney/Pearson for sophomores are better in this regard. Somehow they manage to find a way to get together - probably more outside opportunities that I had (in Buffalo).

<p>Zinc… My other son is at UB! Great for engineering, but much more dreary weather and cold, though as an engineering major, he spends most time in classes and classwork!!</p>

<p>Crazed - sent you a PM with some UB stories!</p>