question about housing

<p>Housing options: is it random decision? or do we get to choose based on our interest?</p>

<p>if so, when can we do this and how?</p>

<p>I don’t know how the decision is made, but I know that the application for housing is available online starting 4/21. The application has you list your preferences 1-10 so if you don’t get into your first choice then…</p>

<p>You fill out an application where you can list your preferences, and then Housing will assign them in random order (but EDI students go first, then EDII, then RD).</p>

<p>I know that the housing varies greatly in price. What if you can only afford the lowest priced option but its not available? My son is RD so he will be in the last pool. It looks like the cost of attending that was stated on the financial aid used the lowest price option. We are alreadly committed to paying $20K a year out of pocket and I don’t think we can manage any more (I am still trying to figure out how to swing the $20K).<br>
Our EFC was $20K . and our aid package was $35K… Any thoughts</p>

<p>inuk, how does he feel about living on the Mt Vernon campus? Somers Hall is in the least expensive category. He could request to live there. My D is in a least expensive room in Thurston this year, and I had forgotten about the fact that the doubles and triples are over $2000 more for the year. Maybe try calling the housing office to ask?</p>

<p>mamabear -thank you for the Mount Vernon info. During the accepted day visit coming up we are going to look seriously at that option. His first thought about housing, was he wants to be in Foggy Bottom where all the action is. That was a few weeks ago. More recently, as he has been reading and thinking about it ,he has voiced concerns about being in a room with so many people. He has always had his own room and while he is social he does like his down time to reenergize.</p>

<p>I looked on the list and your S could also live in Crawford (quad) or Lafayette (double or triple) for the least amount of money. There is also the 2034 G St. (suite) and that is newly renovated but I haven’t seen any of these places yet. I did visit the Vern recently, and it is pretty, but I think I would get bored there reeeealllllll fast. This is the nice thing about GW, so many options!</p>

<p>My d will be a summer intern in the DC area and would like to use summer intern housing at GWU. She will need housing close to the metro (has to go to Shady Grove) and in a safe area. Is Strong a good choice or JBKO, or are there better options? Thanks!</p>

<p>Anybody know if we fill out a roomate survey? Because I need to room with someone who likes professional sports and whatnot.</p>

<p>mamacass, JBKO is very close to the Foggy Bottom station (blue and orange lines). Shady Grove is at the end of the red line. When I visit my D and we need to take the red line somewhere, we walk a little farther to the Farragut North station (red line) rather than get on at Foggy Bottom, which would make a transfer at Metro center necessary.</p>

<p>The AU stop is near the red line, has she looked into staying at American?</p>

<p>Thank you mamabear 1234 for your help. We had not looked into American because I had heard that it is about a mile from the campus to the stop on the red line. Maybe I should check into whether they offer shuttles to the subway stop…does anyone know if they do? Thanks again for the info about the Farragut West stop!</p>

<p>American does have a shuttle that takes you to the metro stop. I am sure it runs during the summer, but I’d double check the hours it runs just in case. You’d be much closer to Shady Grove if you lived at American vs. GW.</p>

<p>Thanks GW senior for your point about American being closer to Shady Grove. However, are there any dorms at GWU that are close to the Farragut North stop so my d could access the Red Line from that stop? She knows a few others who will be living at GWU this summer, and would like to be close by. Any idea how long it takes to get from Shady Grove from Farragut North?
I will look into American as well though, thanks!</p>