Question about how to calculate GPA For UC schools and also If I retake a class that i got a C in

Hello I have a question about how to calculate my GPA and also if I Retake a class that i got a C in. Will colleges use the higher grade?

Your repeat grade will be calculated into the UC GPA but you still report both grades on the application.

Many HS’s do not allow a retake on a C grade course.

so UC schools only look at 10th and 11th

I have used Rogerhub and it gives me a different GPA then By hand
Can you possible Help me
ELA 10 1.A 2.A
Alg2 1.B 2.C
Biology 1.D 2.C
Biology 1. B 2.B
Worldhistory 1.B 2.B
POE 1.C 2.B
OnlineHealth 1.A
Spanish2 1.B 2.C
Spainsh2 2.A

APLang 1.C 2.B
Apush 1.B 2.B
Trig/precalc 1.D 2.C
Trig/Precalc 1.B
Chem 1.C 2.C
EDD 1.B 2.B
ASB 1.A 2.A

My second semester of 11th is all hypothetical I want to know my GPA with it

Thank you so much from your Help @Gumbymom

What is POE and EDD? You retook both semesters of Biology, 1 semester of Spanish 2 and 1 semester of Trig/Precalc correct?

POE = Principles of Engineering EDD= Engineering Design & Development and Yes two semester of Biology and 1 Semester of spanish and only the first semester of trig/Precalc

POE and EDD considered a-g courses for the UC’s?

See this link and type in HS name:

Yes they are on the list for the A-G. They fall under the College-Preparatory Elective (“g”)

Ok, so I get 3 A’s, 13 B’s and 5 C’s. ASB and Health are not a-g courses. With 2 AP’s you get 4 extra honors points so the UC Capped weighted and Fully weighted GPA comes out to a 3.10.

I will be honest with you, if you are considering applying to a UC, this GPA may only get you into UC Merced if you are lucky. If you have extenuating circumstances that contributed to your lower than average HS grades, these can be addressed in your personal insight essays but your chances may be only slightly higher.

This data is from 2017 and not major specific, but it will give you an idea of your chances based on GPA alone:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39

UCB: 1.1%
UCLA: 0.9%
UCSD: 0.9%
UCSB: 1.4%
UCI: 3.1%
UCD: 4.1%
UCSC: 14.3%
UCR: 22.9%
UCM: 56.7%