Question about ILR waitlist

<p>Is it true that alot of the people waitlisted for ILR who don't get off the waitlist get guaranteed Transfers?</p>

<p>It depends on the numbers...40-50 people use ilr gt per year so...I doubt as many as u think since some were already given out <em>raises hand</em> lol (gl for acceptance or gt if that is what you want!)</p>

<p>Thanks, I'd prefer admissions since I was first deferred way back in the ED round, but I would still be happy with a GT. I just heard some rumors that all ILR rejects off the waitlist get a GT and wanted to get some opinions.</p>

<p>Well, I don't actually know whether it was true or not...just trying to make a prediction. That must be torture tho...waiting all the way back since now I really wish you luck!!! Stick with it!</p>

<p>typically ilr doesn't do this</p>

<p>Thanks, I've been waiting for a straight answer for over 5 months now from cornell. Nothing but defered and waitlisted....</p>

<p>I got into ILR off the waitlist. I was notified on 4/29, but don't lose hope. :) I also got deferred ED and then waitlisted for RD.</p>