Question about James Madison/History Major

<p>I was just recently accepted to MSU and there was no specific mention of what program I was accepted into. On that note, it is not necessarily a bad thing if I do not make it into James Madison College, the major I listed on my application. I am recently having second thoughts and I believe that I may just want to major in history. So basically, what I'm asking is, are the majors we put down on the initial application the majors we are attached to when we get to MSU?</p>

<p>Also, does anyone know anything about the History program- specifically around the WW2 era/Western European History/American History after the 1930's? I know MSU has a fairly lenient set up for the requirements as a history major and I feel like that would benefit me, but I know very little about the department.</p>

<p>Anything is appreciated.</p>

<p>In no way are the majors you put down when you apply what you are obligated to stick with. The average MSU student changes their major twice…so, it really doesn’t matter too much at all. It is a lot more difficult to switch into a residential college like James Madison College later on in the year though, so if you are interested in James Madison sign up for that now (and if you don’t like it, you can always switch out of it later). </p>

<p>I don’t know much about the history program, but I do know that there are tons and tons of history classes out there on nearly every aspect of history that you could think of.</p>

<p>One thing I would look into, is if you are going to be part of James madison college, definitely consider the Western European Studies specialization-it incorporates the history, language, culture, and politics aspects all in one.</p>

<p>Be wary of the history major though. It doesn’t let you specialize in anything (unless you want to do American history), not a part of the world nor of a specific time period. </p>

<p>Just letting you know… (I wanted to major in history too before I found out you can’t take more than like 3 classes in any one area lol).</p>

<p>So I guess I’d assume James Madison would be a better choice for wanting to specialize in something other than American History? </p>

<p>I’ve just heard some things about Case and James Madison College that it’s just filled with honors kids and those who don’t party and everything like that…obviously I am not only looking to party but I definitely want to be around people who don’t mind it and aren’t just overly smart. That probably sounds bad, but I think you know what I mean…I hope.</p>

<p>No I meant the history major in general (not through JMC). </p>

<p>They’re not all honors kids, but they do tend to party less than like freshman-y dorms (or so I’ve heard).</p>

<p>Yeah no I got you, I’d probably be better off with JMC if that is the case. </p>

<p>And yeah, that’s one of my worries about it, but I’m obviously not going to like, sacrifice the legitimacy of my major just so I have more time to party. Does anyone have like some type of first hand experience with the party topic at Case or JMC/ have any friends that are in JMC? </p>

<p>It’d be great to get some input from someone who either is living there or knows someone who is.</p>

<p>Well…I am a James madison freshman in case and in the honors college…soo i definitely would be able to answer most if not all of your questions regarding partying. No, we aren’t all just nerds who study and never go out. There are quite a few weird honors kids who stay in their rooms and don’t socialize, granted, but there are plenty of relatively normal ones as well, that socialize, party, and still find time to do hw. James madison students in Case, on average, party a bit less than in other freshman dorms. But by no means does that mean we don’t party…there are students who go out ALL the time. Just as a general picture, on average my friends and I go out twice a week. But when there are james madison exams/essays due, getting our stuff done is a priority over partying (expect quite a few all-nighters being in James Madison unless you don’t procrastinate at all). What’s nice is everyone is on the same level as you-all the reading, essays, quizzes/tests during weekdays makes students want to have some sort of release during the weekends aka partying (which typically starts on Thursday night). If you want more details pm me (as given, it is a public forum)</p>