Question about JHU

<p>I will be going to Johns Hopkins University next year as a freshmen. I will be pre-med. Does JHU Med School favor applicants from JHU undergrad?</p>

<p>Does anyone have any statistics on this, like at which undergrad school did the incoming medical school class at JHU come from?</p>

<p>Data like this is not available publically. Your best bet is to try the JHU Career Center. If you are simply interested in a list of undergrads, then do a Facebook search for Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Class of 2011. I don't know what good such a list will be to you. You already know what undergrads you'll see: Harvard, JHU, Yale, Cornell, Duke, Stanford, etc.</p>

<p>Colleges are reluctant to release data on acceptance rates for the same reasons that med schools are reluctant to release data on their average USMLE scores: they know such data is useless. Getting into med school and performance on the USMLE depends on individual intelligence and drive, not on the school's track record. If med school acceptane rates were more widely available, colleges would be forced to resort to the same strong-arm "advising" (ie screening) tactics JHU currently uses to maintain high acceptance rates.</p>