<p>Generally speaking, in what year do people usually take their language classes to fulfill the general reqs?</p>
<p>thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Generally speaking, in what year do people usually take their language classes to fulfill the general reqs?</p>
<p>thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Anyone have any idea?</p>
<p>I don't know but I'm not planning to take any languages next year (my freshman year) they're already making me do iHum and a PWR course I want the rest of my courses to be sciences and mathmatics.</p>
<p>Yeah. See the cantonese class i'm looking to take requires me to commit now, but i'm not sure if i'll have enough time/energy to take it freshman year.</p>
<p>I will prob start my language classes next year, but I am a fuzzy and I am considering international relations so it depends on your major. I am considering Mandarian.</p>