Question about life on campus for engineering

I will be attending the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan next fall and I was wondering if it is separated from the rest of the students. If so, does that prevent engineering students from interacting with the other students or is it not an issue?

Also, where do a majority of freshmen live? North or central campus?


No CoE students are integrated with LSA students in terms of housing. Even from firsthand experience, my roommate freshman year was an engineering student.

You’re more than able to interact with students from other colleges (LSA, Kines, etc.). The higher level classes you go the more you will interact with engineering kids, but I mean as a freshman you are not restricted in terms of who you can meet just because you are in the CoE.

I’d say it’s about half and half for central vs north? A lot of kids do MRCs and have guaranteed housing on central, so maybe the odds are lower than that, but I’ve seen plenty of engineers get placed into South Quad and other Central Campus dorms.

Most of my D’s friends are in LSA and she lives in Hill area even she is a sophomore in CoE.

@nballday Shoot I messed up my post lol. There should be a comma after “No”. Changes the whole meaning of that sentence

You’ll only be separated to the degree that you want to be separated. Most engineers live on North Campus because of the closeness to all of their classes, and nothing ever happens on North Campus (as far as parties, other social events, etc).

But if you make the efforts to join clubs and are fine with commuting to central, you’ll do fine.

Or you could just live on central and commute for classes, if that’s a better idea for you

It is really not a big deal in riding the blue bus. I used to live in Northwood and ride the bus to campus everyday to work. Now my D is going the opposite way everyday.