Question about mailing out Teacher Recs.

<p>Ok, so the teacher that supplied one of my letters of rec gave me the rec and an envelope and told me to do what I need to. So my question is, when I mail it, do I need to write my name somewhere on the envelope for them to file it correctly, or will they open it, see its mine, and then file it? I ask because whenever my school does transcript requests, they ask us to put our name in the top left corner, but I'm not sure if that's just something for them or if it is for the college.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about the envelope (which will be tossed in 3 seconds). Just make sure your name, HS name and SSAN (or college supplied ID/reference no.) appears on the top of the rec.</p>

<p>aight, thanks.</p>

<p>oh, what’s is a SSAN?</p>

<p>social security account no.</p>

<p>oh so just SSN, social security #?</p>